The synthozoid who would become thcVision was prograinmed with the brain patterns of Wondf.r Man, who was believed to be dcceascd at the time. The synthozoid was created by, thc' robotic archenemy, with the help ofPiofessor Phincas T. Horton, the scientist responsible for the original Human Torch.
HEIGHT 6 ft 3 m WEIGHT 300 Ibs; howevef we*ght may vary from nothing to 90 tons.
Avengers 85 7 (October 1968)
Ultron immediatcly sent theVision to lure the Avengcrs into a death trap. Like Wondcr Man before him. the Vision grew to admire the Awngcrs and couldn’t betray them. He broke Irce of Ultron s contro! and helped thc Awngcrs
defeat hiin.The grateful heroes rewarded thcVision by imiting him to join the team. He was so shaketi by thc gesture chat he actually shed a tear.The Vision’s human cmotions began to surface over time and he slowly realized that he was falling in love with Wanda Ma.\imolf, the Si ari f i kh. When she returned his teelings, they were married and took a leave of absence front the Awngcrs, settling in Leonia. New Jersey.
• Giant-Size Avengers 84
Ttw Vrson and Scadot Witch are mamed.
• Tho Vision and Scarlet Witch 81-12
Tho Vision and Scarlet Witch toavo the Avongcf s and move lo the suburbs.
• Avengers »251-254
Tłw V<skxi attempts to taka over every
com(xfter on Earth.
Wost Coast Avongors 842-45 Tho goverruiwnt kidnaos and disasscmbtes ttw Vraon.
Superhuman strength. endurance: lewet on brow dechargos Wasts of sotar enwgy. He can make al or port ot bod/ tiard as tfewnood. He can doc/easw hts mass to becomo a wtartfi Ho can parUaBy malonatoe , withiri another person. causinfl
The Vision later returned to actiott to aid the Avengers against Anniiiii ls, and was sewrely injured. S tarfox attempted to cure Inni by linking him with ISACC. a massiw Computer comple\ that controlled the moon of Saturn calledTitan. ISACC tapped into a control crystal left in theVision by Ultron and used it to alter the android s way of thinkmg.When the Vision was elcctcd chairmen of the Awngcrs, he decided to bring a new gulden age to huntanity by taking control of cwry Computer on Earth. Howewr. the other Avengcrs
com iticed him to abandon his ambitious plan. Belicving he could no longer be trusted. the gowrnment kuinapped and disassembled the Yision.
He was rcscucd by thc West Coast Awngcrs and rcbuilt by Dr. Pym and the Biack Panthf.r, but he had lost all his human cmotions and could no longcr return the Scarlet Witch s love. Their marriage cwntually cnded in divoree. TheVisions android body was later destroyed w hen thc Scarlet Witch when mad and disasscmbled the Avcngęrs.A ecrsion of theVision was recently revived when his programming was integrated into the ncuro-kinetic armor of the Young Avlnc;kr known as Iron Lad. TD