Uutries iti bold signify lluii <i cliaracter lias his. her or its own aury.


A-Next 12 Aix>mination 8 26 Abraxas 101. 144 Absorbing Man 8.169.303 Abyss 211 Acołytes 8,97. 214 Acts of Vengeance 169 Adam-2 10 Adversary 9. 96.103 Agamemnon 9. 217 Age of Apocalypse 289 Agent 13 252 Agent Axis 55 Agent X 9 Agent Zero 9. 324 Aguila 9 Ahab 10.290 AIM (Advanced Idea Mechamcs) 79.85. 183. 197. 252.291.307 Air-Walker 10. 99 Ajak 10. 95 Akai. Henry 206 Alars 95 Aleta 121 Alkhema 311

All-Winners Squad 10. 143 Allegra di Fontaine 252 Alliance of Evii 10 Alpha Flight 11 21.88. 120. 327

Alpha the Uttimate Mutant 179

Alraune. Marlene 12 AmericanDream 12 American Eagle 12 Amphibian 284 Anachronauts 155 Anaconda 12. 38. 273 Ancient One 13. 28. 84. 85. 154.333

Andromeda 13. 342 Angar 13

Angel see Archangel 230. 244. 259. 279 Angler 206 Angry Eagle 339 Ani-Mate 35 Ani-Mator 13. 35 Annihilus 14. 144. 247. 319 Ant-Man I see Pyrn. Hank Ant-Mantl

148. 287 Anya 14

Apalla the Sun Oueen 15 Apocalypse 10.15. 17.

48. 49. 77. 97, 109, 180. 196. 227. 289. 290. 320 Apollo 115 Aquarian 15.206 Aquarius 343 Arabian Knight 15 Arachne 283 Arcade 16. 177 Arcanna 16

Archangel 17.61. 138.230 320. 337 Arcłight 184 Ares 115.131 Arex 10 Anes 343 Anes I 18 Ariesll 18 Anes IV 18 Anes V 18 Arkon 16. 305 Ariok 95 Armadillo 16 Armageddon 19 Armbuster, Col. John 19 Aron the Rogue Watcher 19, 322

Artemis 115

Arthur. King see Pendragon. King Arthur

Asgard 27.94.96. 112-13. 156. 169. 199. 302-3.

314. 322. 333 see Gods of Asgard

Askani 289.290 Asp 79

Astra 46. 152. 266-7. 335. 338

Atalanta 19 Athena 115

Atlanteans 20. 21.206, 207. 287

Atlantis 20. 159. 166. 206. 207. 208

Atlas 21. 115. 180.246.304 Atom-Smasher 111 Attuma 20. 21. 159.237, 287

Aurora 21.213.327 Avalanche 21.46. 203 Avenger 220

Avengers 22-3. 90. 94, 159. 160. 162. 164. 165. 169. 179. 180. 323 Avengers. West Coast 24 Avenging Angel 17 Awesome Android 25 AxisMundi 143 Ayesha 25

Azazel 25.211 Ażur 156


Baal 15

Bad Girls, Inc. 79 Badoon 63. 159 Bain. Sunset 147 Balder the Brave 27. 112, 113. 156.302 Balkatar 59

Ban ner. Betty 26. 35.80. 111, 134

Banner. Dr. Brian 27

Ban ner. Bruce 26. 27. 80. 134-5. 152. 166. 175. 228. 265. 276. 298. 310 see also Hulk, The Banshee 27.38. 109. 172. 231.334.337

Barnes. Bucky 29. 30. 54-5.

143. 165. 193 Baron Blood 28.282 Baron Mordo 13. 28. 84 Baron Nemo 332 Baron von Strucker 28, 98. 105, 133. 139. 178. 230, 256. 279.317

Baron Zemo 21. 23. 29. 30. 55.98. 120. 165. 187. 199. 242, 246. 304 Baron Zemo II 29. 187.316 Basilisk 30 Bastion 30

Batroc the Leaper 31. 167. 342

Batttestar 31 Beak 31.97

Beast 23.31. 32. 75. 127.

141. 173. 230.332. 337 Bedlam 130 Beemer 20

Beetle 273. 304 see also Mach-4

Belladonna 33. 132 Bellona 115 Bereet 33

Berengetti. Michael 33. 152 Bes 114

Beta Flight 11.76.221,234 Beta-Ray Thor 33, 303 Beyonder 34. 160. 189. 234.

265. 283. 301.316 Bi-Beast 35 Big Bertha 117 Big Hero 6 35. 269

Big Man 35. 95 Binary see Warbird Bird-Brain 35 Bird-People 244 Bishop 36. 77. 108. 337 Black Air 328 Black Archer 82. 116 Black Bolt 36. 117. 142. 156.

188. 189

Black Cat 36.139.281 Black Goliath 111 Black King 253. 264 Black Knight 22 37. 88. 97.

165.187. 191.200. 229.


Black Mamba 38. 79 Black Marvel 89. 133. 247 Black Panther 22. 38. 98.

159. 181.257.317.

319. 326 Black Oueen 123 Black Spectre 182.199 Black Talon 38. 164 Black Tom 38. 153.273 Black Widów 13.22,23.24.

39 Blackheart 190.315 Blacklash 40 Blackout 40 Blade 40. 86. 87. 157 Blaze 166 Blaze. Siena 313 Blazing Skuli 143 Blink 40. 97. 293 Blizzard 41. 126. 148 Blob 41.46. 203. 335. 338 Blockbuster 184 Blood Rosę 258 Bloodhawk 42. 338 Bloodsain 259 Bloodscream 42 Bloodstone. Elsa 42.86.103 Bloodstonę. Ulysses 42. 82.


Błoodstorm 43 Bloody Mary 309 Blue Eagle 116 BlueShield 43 Bloebird 43 Błuestreak 12 Bogan. Elias 253 Bold Urban Commandos

(Buckies) 31.164 Bonebreaker 243 Boneyard 299 Boomerang 43. 126. 273 Borderers 266 Box 44

Braddock. Jamie 45. 48. 53 Brand Corporation 32. 47.

157. 173 Brand. Lucas 45 Brant. Betty see Leeds, Betty Brani

Brethren 66

Bridge 67

Bridge.G.W. 252.273 Brigade 342 Brodenck. Kerwin J. 13 Brood 45. 168, 231. 320 Brother Voodoo 45 Brotherhood ot Evil Mutants 21,46. 68. 103. 121. 140. 152

Brotherlxxxl ot the Sener see Scrier 259. 308 Brown. Arnold 139 Bruiser Brigade 63 Brutacus 47 Buchanan. Sam 47. 198 Bulldozer 333 Bullseye 47.92. 158.216 Buri 113 Bush master 47 Butterfly 334 Byrrah 159


Cabe. Belhany 50 Cabte 46,

109. 123.166. 202, 228. 243, 264. 289, 290. 324. 337

Cadre Alliance 264 CadreK 231

Cage. Lukę 50, 63.100.116. 145

see also Power Man Caledonia 50 Caliban 50, 163 Callisto 48. 52, 289 Calypso 52 Camelol 191.200.220 Cancer 343 Candy 298

Cannonball 30. 52.64. 138.

209.337 Cantury 102 Caprice 259 Capricon 343

Captain America 10.16. 22. 23, 24, 28. 29. 30. 31. 34. 54-5,59. 68.71.77. 79,

83, 98, 99. 116, 120.121,



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