Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 022

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 022

to use frequent changes of pace and activity during the lesson. Teenagers are generally used to a rapid pace of information and changing the pace and actrvity can help to keep them occupied. Upbeat Students’ Book has a wide rangÄ™ of activities within a single lesson in order to keep students engaged and the topics are selected to maximise the appeal of the lesson to teenagers. The Language Builder and the Motivator are also a useful source of extra exercises. You can involve students by building on the personaiisation activities within Upbeat and asking students wherever possible to relate the content of the lesson to their own lives, even if it means occasionally reverting to their L1.

Thirdly. students may leam in a different way to the way in which the lesson is being taught. For morÄ™ information on learning styles and action to take, see the ‘Learning styles’ section below.

If punishment is necessary in a class, it should be done according to the policy of the school. Ali students should know what the punishments are and what behaviour will trigger those sanctions. Teenagers are very quick to recognise and respond to injustice so it can be useful to agree with students what is expected from them in class. If you wish to take this further, you can draw up a contract with your students and allow them to say what they expect from you. Ali parties can then sign the contract and you are morÄ™ likeÅ‚y to have the class on your side if and when discipline problems arise.


•    Be fair and consistent all the time.

•    Don't take poor behaviour personally.

•    Get to know your students and try to build

a rełationship, even with the most diffłcutt ones.

•    Vary the pace and focus of the lesson to keep students engaged.

•    Personalise as much as possible so that students feel invo!ved in the class.

•    Vary your teaching style to cover different learning styles.

•    Agree with your students early on what is acceptable behaviour.

•    Focus on praising and rewarding appropriate behaviour rather than punishing bad behaviour

help the teacher with mixed ability classes. The first aim should be to maximise the potential of all students in a class regardless of ability. To this end, it is important to improve and develop students’ language learning skills.

One area that all students will benefit from is some guidance on how best to learn vocabulary. Talk to students about the different ways in which they can learn new words. Some students may prefer to keep a special vocabulary notebook which they can leam from by heart; others may prefer to record the words on their MP3 player, or even write them on notes and put them around their bedroom.

Revising language regularÅ‚y is helpful for every leamer, but essential for weaker leamers. Any new language that is not revised will inevitably be forgotten. Revision sections in Upbeat after every two units help with this process.

The better students in a class tend to finish activities before the weaker students. For these fast finishers it can help to have some extra activities so that the teacher can devote morÄ™ time to helping the weaker students. Extra practice actMties for each Students’ Book lesson in Upbeat serve this purpose. The same activities can be done by the weaker students for homework.

The work that a student does as homework before or after the lesson is aJso important in helping weaker students to achieve similar results to stronger students. Teachers can ask weaker students to prepare a dialogue or text by looking up the meaning of new words and phrases before they come to the lesson.

They then have a head-start when it comes to reading or listenmg to the text and can even explam the meanings to other students, which can give a struggling student a real sense of achievement.

During a lesson, it may be helpful to grade certain tasks to show that you expect morÄ™ from some students than others. After the lesson, it is useful to have homework activities at morÄ™ than one level of difficulty to allow all students to succeed. Graded actMties at two levels in the Language Builder allow this ‘differentiation’.


Mixed ability/Mixed level classes

All classes are, in some way or another, mixed ability classes. Differences in language ability can resutt from different factors. Some students are simpfy better language leamers than others and have better skills. As a resuit they will leam faster and morÄ™ effectively. Other students will have an advantage because they leamt morÄ™ English before joinmg your class. Altematively, some students may be disaeh/antaged because they have a different L1 from the rest of the class and find it harder to understand the teacher's explanations and

Make students aware of the different techniques for recording vocabulary.

Help students with revision and offer them different memorisation techniques.

Use Extra practice activities and differentiation to allow all students to achieve success in a lesson. Make use of homework before a lesson (preparation) and after a lesson (consolidation) to help weaker students to get up to speed and reinforce their knowledge.

Put leamers into groups and pairs so that some


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leamers can help other leamers. Mix up the groups »nu^ng " x ./ "'es



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