@Plck up 2 miii pean beads in motlf.
).'3-mm remi txMtt ,
Partem n
Motit—C Cr/np boa<!-
rr-n peart bend —3-mm pead Mad
9ugle Mad
'Si $v&y*v
Patiem b
De3igi«M bead (purple)
Dugę buini
A: 9 i x 6-mm designer beads (purple)
|}: 8 i x D-mm designer beads (green)
C:68 3-mm bcone ciystal heads (lighł blue)
U: 62 3-mm pea-l beads (light brown) f: -12 2-rnn peuit boads (brown)
F: 34 3-mm triangie beads (beięe)
C: 42 3-mm bugle beads (green)
H: 358 1.5 mm ihree-cut beuifc (yeTinw-greert)
2erimp beads. nylon thread {2 50-cm lengths. I 150 cm lenrph)
l Mąko ? mcfls: String beads on thread to loun a circle (fig. IA). Continua weavrg. parking up bugle beuds as you go a’org (Fig. 1 H) IString motifs at>d heads on nylon llircad, referring to drawings Atemata fcetwecn purp'e (a) and green (b) designer beuds. Altach a cńirp bead lo each end.
2-mm pcarl bród
3-mm p??'t tu bkI—(
6 tnreo-cut beads j
Hiocne bead-*. Triansfe bead—
2-mm peart Mad 1 neagrer bead—/. puT?*. o = green) ' .
Hatten b
Throe-cut bead l
Pettern o
3-mm c-ead bead
3 4x5 mm designer beads (purple)
4 4 x 6 mm designer beads (nreen)
44 3-mm bicone erysfot heads (lavender)
10 3-mm pearl beads (i.ght brown) n>4 2-mm peari boads (brw/n)
42 3-itn triartglo heads (beige)
100 3-mm buęjle beads (green)
H :5G2 1.8-mm Ihree-cut beads (yuitow-green)
2 crlmp beads. nylon thread (2 40 mm lengths. 2 160 cm lengths)
VMake 2 motrfs. Tio threads. ctrt excess.
•i'. 3egir> weaving at ★ in Fig. A. Alfach crimp b*ad to end. Begmning at ■*' in Fig. 3 with sepuralc thread, weave opposite side. Allach crimp bead to other end.