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The Xiamen Posts and Telecommunications Building is a 1.3 million sf (120,000 sm) mixed-use development. The fa c i I i ty ’ s main components consist of a 968,400 sf (90,000 sm), 63-story office tower and a 322,800 sf (30,000 sm), six-story postał building.
Frequency waves, the basis of telecommunication, inspired Xiamen’s design. The essence of the design is to physically merge the curve of freąuency waves with the celebrated traditions of Xiamen as a garden city of arts and commerce. This combination is accomplished through the introduction of multi-story tree sky gardens which spiral from the top to bottom of the building. Each floor has an identical plan and rotates a notch as the building rises. However, the only indication of the rotation is the visual spiral created by the placement of the gardens.
The building’s vertical circulation system is in fuli display here. The 63 stories are served by five elevator zones. Zonę one is accessed through the lobby at the base of the building and serves floors 2 through 11. Zones 2 to 5 are accessed by sky-lobbies at floors 24 and 48. The sky-lobbies are accessed by an expressed stainless steel shaft on the exterior of the building. At each sky-lobby, occupants exit and transfer to local elevators which rise both up to the zonę above the sky-lobby, and down to the zonę below. These elevator banks are anchored on the side of the cylindrical building in elear glass shafts, thus highlighting all vertical movement taking place in the facility. This elevator system creates maximum efficiency of space utilization by reducingthe shaft space required for elevators to a minimum.
The top of the building is celebrated with a functional spire rising above the central concrete core. The spiraling gardens transform into a continuous rooftop garden for executive offices and meeting areas.