jow03 06

jow03 06

Port lunge forward «ith tho body from tho waiat, kooplng' tho arsu outłfcrctohod. tho hoad ur and Wio baok atraight aa in Sjceroloo 10, poałtion (b).

Aa you throw forword fcick baok witfc tho rłght log oo that your poałtion lo aa lllustrated In tho aoccnd poałtion of thia cjcerolae.

Do not atay ln that poałtion*

Junt lun*;® forword to th# horlsontal poałtion and then ana? baok to poałtion* Praetloe thla moYcraont aix tlmoa and wlth oaoh aowonont al terna ta tha log aotlon. twory thlrd araetloo nlght add ono ropotitlon,

D0P*?8 TO AV0ID.

Ł‘on*t fali to hawc your poito eorroot b#fora lunglng.

Don*t ftorgot to al terna to tho lega* FSrat tho rłght, thon tho loft, r.on*t lcrrer tho hecuł or band t)to baok,

Don*t ncflect to bo anappy in thia novcncnt.

r^corcląo 11,

In thia oxorolac you tako your »tance aa łn Ezoroiae 10, Poałtion (a), wlth thia oKoaptlcn, The feot ara kopt together,

Tou will flnd łt a llttle owkword at flrat but ooon oYordawe,

iram thc attention poałtion, atep out aldowaya wlth tho rłght lagi ac you do ao, lean ovor to tho rłght aldo FE OM fHE‘8IDB, aa ln Erorcia® 11*

By that I do not oaon fr ot» thc walat ln a forward naanor,

Do tho osorctdba rłęht or not at all,

3cnd aa far ovor aldowaya aa you oac,

Aftor you have nada tho band eona back to tho orlglnal poałtion by bringing th# !>at togcther and atandlng arcet wlth tha harda atłll hołd oworhoad.

Thon ropoat tho nowwnont to tiva oppoałta aldo,

Porfora tho nawoncr.t #lx tlaoa to eithor aido,

Brory thlrd practioo nlght add ona aora rapotitlon.


Don*t band tha loft log whon atopping to tho rłght aldo,

Don*t kld youraolf that you aro '■cndlnr. far <mr by nerely Iow®ring tho handa* Don*t for pot that thia ia a aido atopping aowotaont, not front,

5xorcla® 12,

Hora ła an old relłablc czorcłao thnt ls alwaya a pip,

Tnk» un your poeltion aa ln Poałtion (a) of thia •xoraloo,

Koop tho baok otraight and aloo tha logo*

Watch youraolf, for you will flnd that thoro la a tendancy to ralaa tho hipo in order to losoen tho procsuro upon tho arna.


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