jow13 07

jow13 07

Lowor tho Darboll a!x tinoa to tho loft aide, and six tir* a to tho rlght ■ido* Add ono ropotitlon ovory third proctio© nlght untll 12 counta aro roaohod, thon fbllow out tho rogu lar progroaaiwe roa latań co nothod to lnoroaa# your offort aa you galo ln powor.

2xoroIno O*

Stand at attontion with your foot spaood comfortably aport, and allow tho Piorun Karboli to harr^ down your baok aa ahown ln tho llluatration. Thia or.orciao la nalały Tor tho maolee of tho baok, but It will actually lnwolw© orery aueolo ln your cntiro body.

ft*ow tho poeltlon ahown, alowly ralao tho FUlcrun Darboll untll It la hołd aa noar aa poaalblo ln a atraight lino łowni with tho top of your ho ad. Aa you bogiń to ralao tho Barboll, atifftro tho knocą and Kipa, thruot out tho choot and gct all tho baok offort poaalblo łnto aotion. Broatho ln aa you ralao tho Barboll, and out aa you alowly lowor It.

Praotloo thia mcorcio© 6 tlnoa, add Inę ono ropotitlon orcry third practle© night, untll 12 oounta aro porforaed, thon tho Mc run roalatanoo and ntort ovor with tho orlginal eount, worklng up in ropotltiona aa bo foro•

Exorolao 7*

Tho tricopo of tho armo aro uaually hard to dewolop, and thoroforo, gonorally neęloctod. Thia «xcrolao will fool awkward at firat, but practlco will rana tor it and giwo you a fino pair of atrang tricops.

Stand with your fbot a pa cod a part, and tho Mcrua Karboli hołd bohlnd tho back ao ahorm in tho illuatmtion. FVcci thia poaltian, with tho Gowornor Błock ond of tho barboll touohlng tho floor, bogiń to bond forward IVaa tho walat, kooplng tho loga ctralght and at tho a ano tlno atlffbn tho arna with cliii culor offort, and §trivo to ralao tho barboll aa high aa poaalblo off tho floor aa you bond forward. You will not ralao it wory high, ao do not bo dioappolntod If you don*t ralao lt aa high aa you think you ahould, but you rai ot raioo tho arna cl ©nr off tho body in ordor to nok* tho trloopa fUnotian, othorwlae tt will bo aorely a haad grlpplng nowonont.

Broatho in aa you bond forward, and out as you oomo oroct loro ring tho Barboll to tho floor agaln, puttlng forth all tho ann offort you poosibly oan.

Praotloo thia 9 tiaoa ln auooooalon, addlng ono ropotitlon ovory third praotloo night untll 18 oounto aro roaohod. Tlion progrcoa ln roalatanoo aa fbreerly adwiaod in all othor exerolsoa.

Bcoroioo 8.

Aaouno tho prollnlnary TYostlora' Bridgo pooition with your nook ond ahould©rn roating on a euahlon, with your body orehod, aupportod by tho frot. Plac© tho '\ilcrun Barboll at arna* lcngth bohlnd your hoad, and oirwltonooualy, raioo “ho Barboll with straight armo, aa you alowly prosa your body rolght en to tho crown of your hoad lnto tho finał r.Tootlora* Bridgo poaltian. Thon thia poaitiod ia roachcd, tho Marun Barboll ahould bo hołd at atraight arna' longth owor your Ikcc.

Broatho in aa you brldgo your body, and lowor tho Barboll, and out aa you return to tho orlginol poaltian. Practlc< thia oxorol»o 9 ttnes, addlng ono ropotitlon evory

Cup. 7


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