rm jcrsn stss; op ssali?? a:id juscle suildso
ADTAJCOh C" •* — .
Cowrlng a period of throo awntha.
The Ajllowinr ororełarn aro Bolcotod aa tht bo»t to storna lato muicular ;-rowth ln lpar-tJty aa woli aa qwality. Tho tąrolyo otarć Uea ccvor trrary part of tho body la Tlforwa twrror»euta or contra o Mon. Tho aotloa of contraatlon aóquirod prano ten oąwal oxtoi.oion to tho nuruioa or oppoaltioc. thr.t I Dean, whlle «very auaolo mc^Woa eontractl-ir. thcy alao ora fjWtm i\»ll eatonalon slsiply beoauao tho
-o%-r**/.nto of oontrnstlo:i aro co rlędrouo thoy oceapol tho oppoaltlom to eattond fhlly lc order to allo..- -h» actlvo ruficie to oontraot. -vory oaisola coca throu&h thia urocaat, and 1 dooiro Tbr tho nart tluroo uontho you conoer.trato in tho fom I will oitllno.
BtlUM, ob the nUaclco rtow i* t-hc rnLs objoot sou^ht. Aa lonf. aa thia Lv..pcn« Tn-r;-tr.ia* ptyale&lly will So ln bonoosy. Tho Mount of ropotltlona ro-miirod for or.oli ascroiae la loft or.tiroly u? to you. ?Yon nor .
Hnrcrmr, you nuat eOntdnuo tho nrofrootiTo prlneinlo of addlnR ropo t i tlona Juat aa
■jrcrolao |
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bloopj of th<- uopor Mn.
tho --tnclcB that :*Or- *.?»r 3 'ml eolums.
‘ha triówt'b, doltolde lut prińolpaiw tho latiaalrau dorel.
t)je nuoolwc of tho thlr.h* and tho hi jo.
tho arna o los that fom tho lowor abdar.in.ils.
tho cxUraal a-ll-jue unolon.
t ho nucolłio ' t>» fbriro.
eprondinR tho ehect 'vrcc,
eheot ttttllffe and tho nerrateto nognua nuaoloa.
tho tri0000 o' tho uppor arru thd misełćs of tho nóek.
thn Bupinators, -.ootorr.lir, latioBlmua doral but r*lnl7 tho doitoid taiacl-.
Tou solo et tho *Vovo nusborcd ax©rol*ta fr ar, your oouruo and rroup thoa tofother a* arrv ^Vob non on nraotioo tnre-ry third tl|ht >0 floro rotirtng,
fellow*. :'or*»ny, odnooday, ?ridoy. Sundoy, Tunnday, and bo on*
Thia arranfcacnt dooa not to ar. you tu ot not ęraotico any othor crorcioo; Sf tfcoro arj othora you lifaa woli anoujh -c lncltido y»: tr- Bt li bor ty to add th«;n, ’.nit not subatltute* Sm*; up ;/our diototio ;roau: and taJco oaro of your tooth and cyna as •--roTicuoły advi*od. Tho caro of your ffcot you oa.-. drop out i f you wl«h and . -.ur br. thlnf: rrretico you co.: prcctlco as 1 adrlaod on the talk Bhoot#