1HAI) a plcasant surpme rcccntly whcn my friend, Samson, Alcxander /.as* -billcd as tlie Strongcst Man on Earth—paid mc a visit. Wc chaltcii ah«ui old times, feats of strength, and Samson was particulnrly iuter-ested in numesoiih Apollon pupils, sonie of w'nom lic has met during his tours of thc lend-ing musie halls. Ile spokc highly nf the won-deitul arm devclopmcnt uf my pupil, Ernest Cothard. Snmson's Show is wnrth goittg miles to >ee, nml I advise readers to sec it whcn the opportunity oceurs.
One of the most amazing strong men ever to visit our shores.
During his stay in Dewsbury, Sam son of-ięred fi’ to a local wrcstler named Harry Smith—Apollon Pupil if hc cmild stay on his feet ten minutes, or £25 should hc pin Samson, the test to be held during tlić sccond house on the l-riday itight, W hen thc appointed tiinc arrived the Empire was pneked to ovcrflo\ving, and atnidst great excitement the two athlctes faccd cnch other on the mat.
Of coursc it was not expected that Harry w<iuld sceure a ‘'fali" willi the great Samson, hut after a tlirilliug houl he sucęeeded in stay-ing on his feet thc allotted titne. Sam*on i- a real >|tort, and shook his opjionent warmly by the haud. Tlie manager of the Empire then handcd • •ver t-. Smith tlie £5. Smith nas madę gwd ii> an "AU-in" wrcstler, and is ma king it his professioit.
Wins famc as Champion Wrcstler.
A fcw years ago was un ordinary fcllow like vou. nów his wonder-ful strength and stay-ing power hasbrougbt him famę and fortunę
They are Men of Deeds Not Men of Words!
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