ms 038

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OXLY a few ycars ago Erie Widdowson was a wcak, puny spcci-men, and but lor coining across a copy of " FI. & S.” might have remained so to this day.

A few simple, free exerciśćś, how-evcr, rcvealed to hirn the possibilitics which existed for inaking a rcal man of hirnself.


The sukject of this inspiring article

Consequentlv he cnrolled for the famous Apollon Body-Building System, and started to improve almost at oncc, adding 2-in. to his chest in under a fortnight, and gencrally incrcasing his physiąue proportionately.

At the end of three months Widdow-son astounded his friends by dead-lifting 400-lb., bending ó-in. tiails and thick iron bars with case.

Recently lic joined the Police Force. Prior to taking up The Apollon Coursc, Widdowson’s itieasurements would not permit him entering, but in a short while he passed the medical test with-out any trouble, his mcasurements being : Chest 44}-in. (a gain of oyer 6-in) ; biceps 14-in.; forearm 12-in.; thigh 22-in.; calf 15-in.; hcight 6-ft. finerease of 4-in.) ; weight 13-st. 6-lb.,

2- st. 1 -Ib. heavier than when he started.

At the moment Widdowson is the only man who can lift the fantous Apollon anvil with one band on to a

3- ft. high tablc. For this Apollon has awarded him a special gold medal.

Hundreds of well-known athletes have failed evcn to lift the anvil so as to place a card beneath.

He can also dead lift 500-lb. and tear packs of playing cards in half. His grip is probably one of the strongest, if not the strongest, in the entire Police Force.

Widdowson’s father has personally thankecl Apollon for inaking such a splcndid specimen out of his son. A pictnre appears on this page.

A simple story, but one which clearly proves that the results claimed for P. C. arc not so fantastic as it is sometimes thought, but cvcry credit is duc to this Leiccster man who has backed the ad-vice and instruction given him with great determination and intense en-thusiasm.

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