O BANNER, BeTTY see opposite
Prophecy łins it chat thc dcath ot" Norsc God Bakier will reMilt iw Raguswok—the dcstruction of Asgard, che honie ofthc Norv Gods (srr (k>i>s <>f Asgard). hor thb. reason Odin tomm.mded Im wite Fngga co make Balck-r (his son) im ul wrąbie co physu al injury and so shc cast spells thac procected him trom ercrythmg excepc misdetoe.
The God oFmiscłuef. Loki.Thoks adopced brother, learned of chis and trickcd che blind Ciod Hoder to tire ,111 .irrow, tippcd with misdetoe wood. at Balder. Only Odm s interwntion saved him. but before his recowry. Balder s soul was to travcl through thc underwwkl where it cncoumercd the spirits ot" those be had killcd.
Bakier’* return to the land ot"the livmg was not without dilliculties: he tell into a deep depression after Nanna, his belosed. sacrificed herselfto save him trom marrymg the Noro sorceress Kamilla. Kovmg the desert. determmed to kill hrmselt. Balder gaincd hope trom a visk>n ot" the futurę. Since then. hc has eonie to love Kamilla, with whom he fought agaimc Suitur and the legions of the Muspclheim. He also ruled Asgard when Odm was beliewd dead, lnic foliowi ng thc God-ruler s return Bakier went back to his ncw love. Kamilla. AD
OJ |
> p |
Balder |
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m |
Norse God of Lłght |
7) |
H |
Asgard |
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m | |
HEIGHT 6 ft 4 m |
DD |
WEIGHT 320 R» |
7) |
EYES Bloe |
> |
HAIR Whde |
< m |
Joumoy mto Mystary *85 | |
(Octobar, 1962) |
i |
Chartunabc leader. formdaWe swortftman. horwman. and hand-to-hand combatar*: n Aac^i dtmenaon. only wHMpom bppod w*h nwateioe can causf him łtamt. atio to
produoe and aur* ight, poeeeases sopcutyman sironjth. endurance. and longevity.
Banner, Dr. Brian
FIRST APPEARANCE The Inctwjtble HuikVo< 2 *312 (Oct 1965) REAL NAME BwBtnne
OCCUPATION Atomie physci*'. BASE Dayton. Ohio HElOHT 5 ft 10m WEIGHT 145 RH EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Sr*r*ifie
Marricd to his chiklhood sweetheart. Rebecca, Dr. Banner worked as an atomie physicist for the US gowrnment and helped develop the country s tirst atomie vwapom.The morę he studied atomie radution, thc morę he feared it. Suspecting that he had lnvn exposed to tracę amounts of ladiation, Banner was horritied when he leamed that his young wite was pregnant. When shc hegan to >ulfer complicanons, he becainc convinced that thc child would be mutant and grow up to oecome a monster. Ilis paranoia incrcased when ' :s *>11 Bruce showed sigm of great incelligence. Banner hegan to drink heavily and often plodcd in tits of temper. Atter striking and odentally killmg his wife, he was convictcd of niandaughtcr and contined to a niental mstitution. His son Bruce (sec Hui k) would be P’ofoundly atleeted by this family trauma. TD
Aftei -i-s w ifes dejth. Insh Interpol agent and mutant Sean ( issul\ w as forced tojoin Factor "1 hrce.a orgamration ofrnl mul ints, by the evil C IhanusIA* I he group gave him thc name Banshee and contiolłed ium L»> fttttng him with an e*pIosive lieadliand. pROfŁSSUR X. leader ofthc X Mr\. used his telepatii ic powers to rcmowę the band aria Banshee then defeated Factor l ince. LafcgfijBamhee jumed the X-Men and bocame co-head— with Emma hcos*- ot'Xaviers Aeademy. where he taught the young mutanrs of (v • ;«
X. Follow mg tiic nagi. death oi iii'. K-Vv.\i. I >t. Mon a M I ■ ■ •. ,.
| Bandu c .uńercJ .i bic.ikdow li.- tiuli ti-1 \ ( \ >:• i-s. v. i:i. h , a mc ur.o . omlu. ( w 111; ius tormer \ \lcn i-olicagues. mt
Cassłdy Keap. Irolaod
EYES Bkje-green HAIR Blond
Uocanny X-M*n *28 (January 1967)
Banęhea^ "scoc sersom* can propwi him r*o Ight, shattor soW obfechi. and im p«rcuwvQ Wasts. which can plac* othsrs nto inmcas or knock thom jncooKxx»