I igure M &*» nntluri de*iron tldh and bockuatterwi elw tron iriglm imagt* of golJ im carłum (joldisa lic,iw demenl. /uo\ iding greai atomie number o mirto i wtih llie earbon bacigroumi lim type ofmmple 1,'lkh to niinimcc the dillercnee \ ill SU and IISI resolmion.
I igure 2-B.
Se\oildury dccnan ilclll oikJ ba, ksealtered deeirmi (rtyhl) wnigcs of toner particie*. A hghi demem malm. such ,11 lim em/ilkisi:es ihe reuilnlimi di/fercnces
/ igure 2-7. Tfm
umiflk ihows lighi demem partii U'% on u tungsten Carbide Mlbtlralc th- SI. image (lift) shO*'f ntnilly tOfHigraphlc conlratl \ ote lik' sur buc tlenili of ihe particie* ('ortinat iii lin■ HSI. image łnghli is tłuc prnnurily to di llerem e\ ni atomu number