202 Mirem SgyiłkiwŁk i
l.ouct Silesia in the form of the cucinplui From the scttlcment in Junówck.dittH of Dzierżoniów (Sarnowska 19.69), others arc known from Słopanów. districi of; Szamotuły (Kłosińska 1997, Fi*. 71). from the Głubczyce Upland al the •.ciile-mems in Jędrychowicc (Buk. Essen. Gedl. Parczewski. Szybowicz 1979: 24 311 and Nowa Cerekwią (Kunawicz-Kosmsku 1981:47-79; 1982:57 W4) as »eU|j from Kurza i L gów (Szmukier 1980 7 28). The pot-likc roughcncd vcssclsd curred also in the basin of the Elbę and Sanie, amon* others in Ccsky H nul (Mul? 1982 7- 127). Apoida. Ouedlinbur*. Horslebcn (Ncumann 1929: 70 145; Mul 1982: 7-127; Zich 1996. Mups 75. 77).
The two-handlcd pot registered in Bruszczcwo (Fig. 9) shows significanl sintilanty lo the form known from Górzyce in l.owcr Silesia. Thcy refer luB c lam cal itagc of the Vfttefov culturc in Austria (Szmukier 1980: 7-28).
ty 9 Wari from tłnaucarwo, *iic 5 (fttrni ihe collcction o(AMP
Al the sile iń Bruszczcwo 2 slevcs wcrc found undnmaged (l ig. aa many other ftaguicnts of that ki mi of vessels. A similnr cxcmplui wus UiscOV-j ■wd i* Oberwarschen (Muller 1982: 7 127). Fragment* of such objeets are >Mn known for csamplc from Pudliszki and Wymysłów.
OsMfStkm, despitc bcing vcry poor. could also be significanl lor the rcsearcłi atfrt dlwciwnt ol fong-distancc contacts. Most oflcn it was a relief decoration.| pnsetseły a cotdon (Fig. 11). visiblc in the materiał from the silos in Brus««w». l ubon. Pudliszki, Słopanów or Wymysłów, as well as frngmcnts from Ponu*-Kiekrz. from Lv«k near Poznań, and on a vcssel from Domarad/ice. distnci of Rawicz The straight and faceted rims may refer to the forms known from ihe Trze mas. horuon (TH).
Hg. 10. An csamplc of • *icvc from Bmsracwo, sile 5 (ftom *e collcflion of AMP)
ojLr lypes of decoralion are dclinitcly less freąuenlly occuned. The orna-' Jugonal cul lines running horizonlally, inciscd on Ihe earmation. found on ,<< ftom Bruszczewo, is connectcd both in Bohemia and Moravia wilh the ■ mg ofthc Tumulus culture (Szmukier 1980:7-28). By far the tichcst oma-> far in the KG belongs to the cup from the barnów mound IV in Łęki Małe lwv"nul groovcs and trianglcs are commonly associated with the oldest UC '•orizott That kind of dccoration occurs in Lower Silesia. Kujavia (Bożejewicc). '■o the towar Odcr (c.g. Babin, Bamislaw).
Dc wsaełi with a cut cordon refer to the Bohemian materials connectcd with ’(fuv-Tumulut horizon; most probably the same influences are registered at ■'lement* In Słopanów and Nowa Cerekwią, where the discussed decoralion jned The setilemcnt KG pottery has numerous common fealures - char-'*•' of the finał stage of the UC - connectcd with the Mad'arovcc-V£tetov n'Cv The roughcncd vesscls with a bumished neck. often with handles at the * •'erc the body is joincd to the ncck, are known from numerous cxemplars ’ "ihe caichmcnt of the Saale and the Elbc and most probably arc a rcsult of "'flucnces of the Mad’arovce-Vótefov centrcs from the south-east, along *' | >hc finał stage of the UC (Romańska 2000).