73698 TME43

73698 TME43




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Zodiac is a criminal organization, madę up of intelligent android*. Each meinber of Zodiac is bascd on a zodiac sign.There was also anothcr organization callcd Zodiac tnadc up of 12 human criminals.

I ho original human Zodiac was fbrincd by Cornelius van Lunt and intcndcd to rule humanity. Eventually thcy wcre all killcd battling the android Zodiac. The second (android) Zodiac was fbrincd whcn Jacob bury (Scorpio from the original human Zodiac and brother of Nick bury) gained possession of the powcrful Zodiac Key. The Key unlocked Fury*s potential for evil.

Fury became the aiulmid Scorpio and with 11 other andmids, each representing a sign of the Zodiac, he began a battle against Harth s greatest heroes.

BASE Mobile


pn shadow) Defenders *49 (Juty 1977); (fufty seen) Defenders *50 (August 1977)

FIRST APPEARANCE incredibte Hulk #166 (August 1973)

REAL NAME Inapplicable OCCUPATION Purveyor of destruction BASE Mob*lo HEIGHT Variable (max. 40 ft)

WEIGHT NcgWrblo EYES HAIR Inappt-cablo SPECIAL PO WE RS/ABILITIES Unlimitod ełoctncity-man.pulating powers tnduding fłight. super strength. and tho abihty to fire eiectncal bofls of concussnrc forco.




inhahited the form of Zzzax. Recently, Zzzax escapcd from captivity after Electrd sprang a hordę of Super Villains from the Raft jail. DW



Shoots fire from his homs. AOUARIUS

Camos a gun that fires blasts of etectricity.


Superhuman strength. aMity to create and contro) torrents of wat er.


Superhoman leaping and climbing



Can splrt into two bodies. can grow to huge size and strength. can project energy.


Superhuman strength and leaping aMity.


Can fty. can become Intangible PISCES

Can easlty maneuver underwater SAGITTARIUS Advanced archery skills SCORPIO

WieWs the powerful Zodiac Key TAURUS

Superhuman strength VIRGO

Highły skilled in creating and using machines

Zodiac attack

The battle raged on. and in time, the I )fffnoers joined the figlu to stop Zodiac. F.ventually, the Avengers dcfcatcd the android Zodiac. Sonie wcre destroyed and otliers wcre taken into custody, (thotigh thcsc Zodiac soon escaped).

During a clash with the West Coast Avlngi:rs, Scorpio used the Zodiac Key to transport them all to the dimension of the Brothcrhood. where the Zodiac android* foli inert. WT


FIRST APPEARANCE Tales of tho Zombte *1 (August 1973) REAL NAME Simon William Garth OCCUPATION Former businessman BASE New Orioans HEIGHT 3 ft 2 in WEIGHT ??0 Ibs EYES Whrte HAIR Black

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superhuman strength and regenecatn/e ability.

A ruthless businessman named Simon Garth treated his employees with contempt. Evemually, his gardener, Gyps, became so upset that he killcd Garth and rcsurrccted him as a zombie, bor two ycars the zonibicficd Garth wamlered the Earth. initially controlled by Gyps and later by one despicable imlividual after anothcr. However the Iow of a good woman restored Garth to life for a short spell, enabling him to put liis affairs in order.

Although he tlien became a zombie once morę, a bcncvolent voodoo priest intervened to help Garth end his undead e\istcnce. AD

Zzza\ is a living electromagnetic field, formed by a bizarre accident that took place at a Consolidated F.dison nuclear power plant. By absorbing the electromagnetic brainwave cnergies ofiLs victims, Zzzax gained a limited degree ofscnticncc and fashioncd itsclf into a crudc huinanoid form. Zzzax can grow in size by draining energy from its surroundings. a tactic that it has employed when battling its most C frequent foe, the Hui.k. itr bor a time, the

-*• consciousncss of the ® iiascible General LU"    “Thunderbolt" Ross



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