Some tnfcrnuooo of imcrca tnay be glcaned fiotn advtrtnemcnn and (rade cards. $o Er u the author | aware, nonę hu bcen dśscomcd dealing wid) gik lcatha ar leathcr gikkn odia dra 1712 in which jor, aa Deamber ijth, Joseph Flacha, 'Lcatha Gida (o Htt Makary', innounced m ihe Lmim Gtzrot chat hc rade ud sold ‘all tom of hangmgs lor Rooms and Stau-Casci, Senees and Sotcm, ofthe ocuca Edku1.1 Thae ua alt 1I10 nenbooed on rade caids of somewhat lita datr ud one mighr add (hu Fiie-Screcns ud Covm for Tables, Harpskłmds ud Chain were also amlable.
Dr Hau Hoth, in his rady ofEnglish chinooerie gik leathav scenu 10 have comc lo ehe eoochiuon dm many of the atut latha puch ud saccns piinted on ihe owal idm ground 'in (hc Chinesc taste', woe London peoducn, akhoogh on only a Ew ba1 specific indicariom oforigin bcen (bund. One hanging which he dncomed in the pałace ofWilbdmshóhe4 bon (he wordt 1Covcniry, London’ which is rad to datc frorn 17jo.1 Orany was pccnunably the lcatha gfldet’s name. Gilded and paiued locha soch u this, whilc noc actualły racmbling uy Chinesc product, was nennheleu panicularly appropriaie for use in the 'Chinese' rooms which woe so much a Eamrc of EsfoorubW lift during (he sccood quana of the cśghucnch century (sec Platę fifb).
Eighieenth-century London wasoneofthe most important manufacturing centro for rany expcnsive embeflishments of the fashionable borne. London shops and cfacar magnifietnt goods wtre a magna for oveneas vishors of the weakhy dano.1 London rakers dad not disdain to make what their ovetseas craomcn wanted, akhoogh dra prosperity rond on (be suk baśń of a cukivatcd dientełc at bonie. The sutement so often ma widi on (rade cards chat goods woe nwaałable ‘Er exportauon' was no xfte boast and k is probably sake to aaome chat Loodon-radc 'Spanish1 lcatha, likc many otha Londoo-made wnaons of prodocts (hai ongirused abroad, cootributed 10 a Evourablc balince of nade.
The lara datc thal on be asenbed to any of the cnanr lcatha gilders' nade cards is 17I4 or jost aha. By this dme 'Papa Hangmgs' had appeared amongst the wares they sold and, u Mi Erie Eorwide hu shown,7 the katfaa gdden, their nade gready dimunhed (hroogb changa of fabian, had tumed dra skiDs mao a ncw channel, the making of embowed waflpapen. Gk lcatha wu now largeły oot of £vour Er mural hangings, but condnntd (obeucdEr Corning saccns until weO into the ninetcenth cenrury. Not aD
^NowBdKDmduTapma liw^Kud.
ho cnifh we SyEr • Udm Dinycf!Sophie V. h Rodie). Tantal by Ciur Wiot
if1 pp 40-41.141-a, ijs-o, 171-a, 117 »d1i-Ł
’ bwik L /L. op ol