• ;rWeuge: defihite arSdes{)fce):;:v when itisdeann the situation ;; whidh thingw person the speaker: mean!; X x<H i i i"
> Indęfińite artides XąfanjS\ży: somie/anyj ar« used when the listener doesn’ tknpw: what the speaker is referring to.
'•i- Póritfiings rte-ar the speaker: This- tbese
i-i Fibr thtogs further away
That- those
x iWe use the demonstrativęsło talk aboutpeople gr distant from himyher.
POSSESSIV£ S i :;: :;: :;: :;: :;: :;: :;
rPossessives are used tosay that a thihg belongs , .tpęo^epoę. (TheyT^.tę tHpppęs^spr rjot to fię . thłno oossesse d.Y^-y-y-y-y-y-. i-:': :': :':-:': :':-:f: : : :':
1. Label the picture with the words in ttie box
1. Apple tnee
2. Bakery
3. Bank
4. bench
5. Bookshop
6. Cbemist's
7. Cinema
8. Fireman
9. Fire Station
10. Ho spita!
11. Hotel
12.1ce-cream paHour
13. Office buiiding
14. Pavement
15. pJaygrourrd
16. Road
17. Roof IB.Scbool
19. Street HgFit
20. Te/ephon e box
21. Traffic Hght
22. Zebra Crossing
2. Choose the wond and complcte th« scntcnccs:
a) I live in_(a, an, the) white house in_(ther a, some)
middle of_(the, any, o) village
b) My father works in_(this, a, some) office building.
d) We sometimes play in _ (these, the, an) playground in from of:
e) There is _ (a, an, these) apple tree in _ (an, the, that);
f) There are_(a, an, some) trees behind the hotel. :
g) _( my, a, some) house is far from the park.