16564 Scan0024 (17)

16564 Scan0024 (17)


zmiany morfologiczne są obecnie opisywane w węzłach chłonnych w następstwie stymulacji antygenowej* Tak więc można przypuszczać, że korzystne wyniki wstrzykiwania preparatów arsenu — spostrzegane w przebiegu stwardnienia rozsianego należałoby wiązać z procesem immunomodulacji, która pojawiała się pod wpływem takich wstrzyknięć.

W końcu pozwalam sobie zwrócić się do uważnych Czytelników z prośbą o przekazywanie mi swoich uwag, które w przyszłości pozwolą na udoskonalenie tej pracy.


[1]    V.A. McKusick, C.A. Francoma.no. S.E. Antonaraskis: Mende-lian inheritance in mail. Catalogs of autosomai dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked phenotypes. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London, 1990, s. 267-268: 126-200, Dissemina-ted sclerosis ...

[2]    S.S. Hashimoto, D.W. Paty: Multiple sclerosis. Disease-a-Month, vol. 32, n 9, September 1986. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. Chicago-London

[3]    A. Szymański (red): Biomineralizacja i biomateriały. PZWN. Warszawa 1991.

[4]    J. Ru bach-Kuczę wska: Zycie po japońsku. Iskry. Warszawa 1985.

0.6. Demyelinating Diseases — a New Presentation


0.6 Demyelinating Diseases — a New Presentation

The problem of etiology and pathogenesis concerning demyelinating diseases, and primarily multiple sclerosis (MS) was many times elucidated and studied on a number of assumptions and from differ-ent points of view. This problem received considerable coverage. W. Cendrowski dea.lt witli it in his two extensive publications [1, 2] not taking into account a couple of minor ones. Especially the second of two publications, having been issued in the year 1986, widely covers various — apart from chapters devoted to other ąuestions, e.g. patho-physiology, cli ni cal image, laboratory tests, diagnostics and therapy.

It is impossible herein to enumerate all the view points of authors as to the etiology and pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). But it seems to be appropriate to direct one’s attention to the fact that, among others, emphasis was laid on the hypersensitivity of the type of immune complexes. Cendrowski’s [2] work discusses it in short (and as if marginally) in relation to other morę substantial prob-lems. This is, namely, what G. Lund et a/. have presented during a symposium on MS, which was held in Copenhagen in 1982, their report covered the detection of immune complexes in patients affected by MS. Complexes of antigen and antibody (CIC — circulating immune complexes), wliile circulating in the bloodstream are likely to locate themselves in walls of very smali venous vessels, or tunics of lliese vessels as well as on membranę of lymphocytes, and subse-ąiiently on membranę of astrocytes. CIC st.imulate leukocytes, which i n acute attacks of the disease permeate through the blood-brain bar-rier, and excessively release the lysosomal enzymes, which give rise to demyełination and intensification of the inflammatory re-action. Moreover, CIC cause the increase in the agglutination of platelets, increased dilatation of venous vessels, and augmented per-meability of their walls — due to activation of kinnin system — and activation of macrophages, monocytes as well as lymphocytes.

This view — concerning the immune complexes (CIC) — existed


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