In the ncw millennium, Marvcl focused on story ares chat could be collected into trade paperbacks. Maximutn Security, a new Captain Marvel series and Ultimate Spider-Man were published in 2000. X-Treme X-Men, Exiles, Dlink and Citizen V all came out in 2001. ‘“Nuff Said”, an event that crossed over cvery Marvel title, three The Cali oj Duty limited series, The Infmity Ahyss, Ma wille, The Order,
The Ultimates and X-Statix were all major launchcs in 2002. Story ares like “Unthinkable” and “Authoritative Action” rocked the Fantastic Four and new titles like Emma Ernst, Mawel 1602, Ruttaways and Sentinel debuted in 2003. “Ragnarok” and “Avengcrs Disassemblcd” brought both Thor and the Avengers to dramatic conclusions, and titles like Astonishing X-Meti and f
Neiv X-Men, took their place in 2004. New V f"'
and Aratia bccame Q\J A
monthly series and Drax a
Lakes Avengers), Last Hero jj /Tl
Standing and Machinę Teen S i \
all had limited runs in 2005. i*** ]
Generation M, Marvel Zombies, Nextwave, New j
Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (2000)
An aiternate universe updates the origin and adds new twists to the origin ot Spider-Man and a host of other familiar characters.
fw&Ttfiyjićticei, urn
AVENGERS VOL. 3 #62 (20021
As his persooal biochemistry grows mor# unstabłe. Jack of Hearts lashes out at Scott Lang and accuses hłm ot rkkng on the ooginal Ant-
Fantastic Four # 500 (2003)
Befieving that it will take morę than science to defeat his groatest enemies. Doctor Doom emptoys demonie sorcery against the workfs greatest super team.
NEW AVENGERS #1 (2005)
Aft er disbanding months ago. a new team of Avengers spontaneously draws together when an army of super-villains stake a massive >a>l break m a mutti-title crossover called ‘Breakout"
Upon learning that he^ destined to grow up to become the time-t/avełing despot called Kang, a teenager traveis to the past and forrns a new super-team to save him from fate.