23844 pg048
This section concentiates on three types of steeve: seevcs set mto the normal bodice armhole, the cap slecve. and The dropped shouldor. which requires the sleeve neac lo be reduced
Straight sleeve
Th s sleeve łalls straight łrom the under-arm linę. It has no dort <y oase to shape the elbow. This 15 the easiest sieeve to model and gvcs practice in handling the poddcc arm and managing the sleeve hood which has to be eased at the cap to ht the bodice armhole.
(bl StreigM *ieeve panarn.
<C> Paddod »tm,

(dl Cul 9 r«Clnrvglo o( f«6fk t Mile tonge' and wrder then the erm lergth »nd elrcjmlereice Mark the v«ft<ol contro »nd <jnderj>m erd elbow linee Tnm outer top eorner* mto curros.
(ol Pin the fabric to the erm. mntchmg centro. jnder»rm *rd elbow level* Tum the errr. over. bnng r»b*i< otjjet together end pin the undererm eeem Cul undererm ehepe to le
wrthln t.Scm of wyrmime np to th* beck erd front prtchmerk*. tf) With ow.er erm upwerde. pin top certre to centro «la«ve h«*d end eeie the top to fit the łieevo cep A •ów of gathenng jtrches cen be mcertod if roquired (g) Pin the erm to the etend Ioc ev»'u»tion. There •houtd be moro eese on the front tleeve theo the beck to eitow fo> the fror.t erm musclr.
Using the peddod arm both mdepeodently and wher
attoched 10 the stard
Easing surplus fabóc ot the sleeve head
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