
b. Stage 2 Adding fullness to the sleeve head and I wrist
I On a fresh piece of paper rule a new Basic linę.
Slash the enlarged sleeve pattern (Stage 1) down its Basic linę, and open it at SP by at least 10 cm,
[ centring the opening on the new Basic linę. For a I higher crown (shown by the broken linę) widen it up to 25 cm. Pastę down the opened pattern.
Raise the SP by 3-5 cm on the new Basic linę, or up to 10 cm for a very large sleeve head, and draw I a new upper curve, starting fiat, across the crown.
Widen the wrist, here by 5 cm on each side, as I shown. Draw new seam lines from BP to wrist,
I checking they are of equal length. Tracę off a new I copy.
To set in the finished (lined) sleeve, match BP and SP to the armhole, pin the underarm curve in smoothly and pleat in the fullness over the shoulder. Tack firmly, and fit, before stitching. A strip of interlining, sandwiched between the sleeve and its lining along the sleeve head, will support the pleats.
For slashed sleeves, see Methods, p. 49 & Fig 9a; P11.
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