addressed to the Romanian population temporarily siiuatcd at tlić borders of liic Austro-Hungarian empire, the Greek and Bulgarlan oncs to thc refugees In Bra$ov, Sibln, and those scttied around Timięoara. 3. The German Sibian almanacs, as we learn from thc sub-tltles, accurateiy transcribed In the cataioguc and from thc Information suppiicd by 2VI. Avrara, were aiso sent — on reąnest — in the Principailties of Moidavia and Wnllacliia, to Romanlans, but aiso to the above-mentioncd groups of Bałkan eniigrants. 4. As tlić summa-rles, carefuily transcribed, testify, the German Sibian almanacs Include a vcry rich voiume of data transmitted through books, periodlcais and current Information from thc aren of thc German and Austrian cuitures. The contact of these cultural arcas — Bałkan, Romanian, German-Transvivaniaii and European-German — througii the agency of almanacs and tiie possibilitłes of Information and diffusłon they offered, is a sufflclcnt rcason for a coinpn-rative research and, at the same tłme It opens up a new dircction in cuiturc, whicii sliould be given morc attentiou to. Wc arc convinced that such a rcscarch wili havc signiflcaut re-suits at the ievel of the coinparative study of the history of culture, it wili introduce us to a modallty of integratlng a rich vołume of cuiturai Information both ways: Europę — South-Eeastern Europę, and back again.

One morę fact is stlll to be noted: Romanian periodlcais from Transylvanla and, parti-aily, those from Moldavla and Wailachia, and the Bałkan oncs, pubiished by emigrants in Romania, havc undertaken part of the functions of these almanacs, to be morę specific, the columns and tlie type of information contalned therełn. This is one morę dlrection of research, especially usefui to the knowiedge of the archetype, let us say, of periodlcais. of magazines mainiy.

A mere parallei survey on the almanacs described by M. Avram, and the summaries of some Transytoanian magazines, both Romanian and German, and of some magazines In thc Romanian Principailties, or of those put out by thc Baiknu eniłgration, wouid be a rich source for getting a better knowiedge of these almanacs, an idea whlch is aiso stressed by M. Avrara in the prcface. We wouid aiso mentlon, that a sliniiar cataioguc of Romanian almanacs has come out In Slbiu.

These were only some of the reasons wliy we welcomedM. Avram's work as a most rcmark-abie event. By its analitiycal character, it affords a first prospectlve stage of rcascarch in thc above-mentioned directions.

This is why we considered the two editoriai and sclentiflc events under discussion as an act of intellcctuai responsibiiity which we are honoured to acknowledgc In the pages of our review.

Eltna JSlupiur

ALEXANDRU DUJU, Modele, imaglnl, priueUętt, Ciuj-Napoca, Ed. Dacia, 1979.

Le nouveau livrc d'Aicxandru Dutu met en óvidence une des priucipales directions du comparatisme actuel, iorsąue l’auteur affirme que 1’ćtude comparće ds cuitures ne doit pas «sc limiter uuiquement au schćma łnflnence-rćception-paralłćiisme, mais partir d'un autre systćme, notamment de ia reconstitution des modćies cultureis de chaque socićtć, teis qu*iis se dćgagent des structures de ia culture ćcrlte ou de la culture figurative» (p. 10). La signifi-cation de cette dlrection se laisse mleux saisir quand 1'autcur posc le problćme de ia relation entre ie modeie utilisć par le critlque et 1'hlstorlen iittćraire ct lc modele cuiturei, i o ca liść historiquement: t Nous nous rapports k un autre type de modćle: au schćma qui a guidć ractlvitć inteiiectuelie d*une collccttoltć k un moment donnć. Ce modele n'est pas lnvariaDle comme le modfcle euristique: 11 n*est pas une crćation de i'intcrpr6te, pareli k ceiui ćiaborć par le critique littćraire. Le modeie cuiturei apparait au termę d'une mlnutieuse ćtude de ia structure de la cuiture ćcrlte, de ia littćrature qui domine cctte structure, des conccpts-cić et des hnages mentales qul se dćgagent de cette littćrature* (p. 11). De pius «Le modćie cuiturei peut ćtre reconstituć dćs le moment de Identification du schćma mental qui a dominć k une certaine ćpoque: ce schćma a ćtć inspirć par ia vie qnotłdienne ct par ie fonds des idćcs existantes dans cette pćriode, pour diriger ensuite l’activitć qnotidienne ct ies expiora-tions inteiiectuelles. Donc, nous ne parierons pas de modćlcs si nous nfavons pas atteint cc substratum » (p. 13).

De cette perspective mćthodologiqne dont ies słgnifications essentieiies rencontrent notre accord de principe, Aicxandru Du^u met en ćvidence ies voies d'ćvolution qui dlffćrencłent le dćveloppement de ia culture roumaine des autres cuitures ćtrangćrcs, le róie des relations


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