39013 IMGS20

39013 IMGS20



PtobMf EagUth; fint hłif of che cightccrwh cenzury.

Tłuc i    pand with aa ngady chtnońmc sabject appcan 10 havc been coboad

wada a metal piąte and u nnusoal bccawe of che granular partem an (hc ground. This mmy have been ianandril far a fana erem: somewhat rimalir paaarrm ed> on raabnńlnd panda oiadr faar daaa porpeec.

Oimmuora: 0-71 x o-jj m. (atx 21 in.)

HammafLeaAatnfc Lmim


Aarmpa em madę co rońt che Iwdig-plding iodustry during che lau centuzy. Ccruin factories enjoycd a measnrc of succcss and dacar product* can $t£U be scen in many coaanrry-hotases. Hoemr, embossed waO-papcn and cdaaed materials like 'Anaglypca* and 'Lincrutu', wirach me cheapcr co make and casier co hang, soon ousted cnae leacher frooi all but che mott expemi ve markca Sec page *7.


Probabfy Frcnch ; about 1855.

The gak leacher hangangs in che *Geeac Room* of che Covemor's Pałace an Gilwiul Wdliamsburg - one of che odginaj buddings - were purchascd in 1934 fioit* Crcwe Housc. London, where accord/ng to Lord Cierne, wridng in 1935, drey were inscalled in a dining room during die lifecime ofche jrd Baron (1I27-39). The hsngings have been dcscabcd as hang Spanisb, madę in rófo, buc aze probably Frcnch. A fragment (lacking acs rcgiucrcd number) is among a group ofcechnically similar leaclicn ar che Viccoria and Albert Muscum. che fest of whach were dcacribed as bcing Frcnch and 'modem’ when chcy were a cq u i red in 1IJ6. The partem has a surprising affinaty with che design* of artćsts likc Walter Cranc who were acdve lacer in ehe ccnnary.


English (?); lace ninctccnth cencury.

CaJf Jeather embowed with a metal place. Ic is paineed gold and che ground has chcn been painted dark brown; che brown has also been uscd co shadc che paccern in placcs co producc an antkjueefiecŁ

This panel was faund among fragment* of gile leacher of various period* chrown out by a London dccorator. Ir has a 'period flavour* buc is elearfy a ninetecnrh -cencury pasbehe. Presumably k, coo, is a resuk of che anempted revival of chśs crafL Dimensions: 0-7! x o-0i m. (joJ x 24 in.)

Mtutum of Leatbercttft, Lmitm



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