246505D2092939154759!00122666 n

246505D2092939154759!00122666 n

71.    What kimJ of prophylaxi* should bc considcrcd in patient bilten by a wild anima

a.    tetanus toxoid

b.    rabics vaccinc

c.    hcpatitis B vaccinc (*T) A and B

72.    Whal kind of antibodics u prcscnt aftcr hcpatitis B vaccination

a.    anti-HBc IgM

b.    anti-HBc IgG

c.    anti-Hbe


IMatch thc infcctious agent with its animal or arthropod yector

a.    Bats

b.    Birds

c.    Fleas

d.    Mosquitocs c. Ticks

f.    Tsetsc ttics

g.    Sandllics

J 73. Borrelia afzeli /Ąj 74. Rabics virus '&) 75. Yellow fcvcr


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