27529 s&h 054

27529 s&h 054


lialiit is one of (be most peruieious knowu. It is ensily bogu u, but rory dillionlt to eon-trol and break. Kat earcfully of plain, nu-tritioiis food and exereis(* regularly, and you will need no otlier stimulaut uutil you have passed tbe ago of lifty years.

Tlie man wlio inereasos iu weight after ho bas rearhed forty years is making a great mistake, for tbe suportluous flesh is not healtby, and is usually tbe adrauee gnani of disease. The thiug to watch at all times is tbe waist lino. I>on‘t, undor any eirctun-stanees, allow it to inoroase if you valuo your hoalth. If you do you will loso yonr buoyaney. your a ot i vi ty, and iu many cases your hoalth.

diet fou NEcrors pfofi.f.

A man wlio has mado a lifelong study of difforont diet for ditłeront pooplo, bas this to say on tbe snbjeet. Ile b(*gins with advioe to nerrous people. which is propor and


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