44981 ss 020

44981 ss 020

Ropnntod from UKAI/l lf AX1) STU KX(.TH."


Lei us Have Genuine Feafs of Strength Only


T NOW tuko pleusuro in fullilliti^ my promisc to denl willi tlie numer of in.n-har :: :ul 6in. nail honding, rai sod liy Lengiic:* W. Durni in his letter in mir issm* dntod Af:iy 23rd. Snęli fnolisli antl extravugam oluinis lmvo ul' luli* boen mado in tliis direction that it is •jiiiif limo ilu* subject was tnken np in tho pngo.s ol ihis maga/,i no hy om* whn knows wlmt lic is talking nbont, and I iliink I mu claini to ho ilmt person. Imvinic madę irou-har honding nml nail brcaking my 1U'S1 Xl'SS lor n innnhcr of years.

I.eagiier T)tfmi is iptifce riglrt in his rontem mn that whele a lent of unii-honding or brpąking is cmicerncd ii earrics lii tb* weifęlit unless tlie gaugo uf lin* unii is mentioned. and I. for one. would likc to sec that booume ihc

('(iimiuiii prnrtieo, but it musi be

ronieni herod that .*1011 i hen lhore will Iw* men whn will elaim to lnivo performod leats whioh it is sltoerly impossible for thoin to do.

Doctoring and Tamperlng.

I lmvo henrd of sororal easos wliero nails lmvo bom nioely s^from-d. either in tho liro <>r by tho nppliention ot' a strony neid solili ion. Iron burs. horst* shoes and suoh lik** pnrts of a strong inuu's pnruphoriiiiliu Imvo boou su tronied. und lliis hns hud tlie olfoct ot arousing stispioion eowcniing all snęli foats of streiijrth.

The geninne strong mmi. tho iiuui whn rerejs iii tho musoulur puwer. rifality and 1'oroo of ineutal ooiioentra-lion whioh bas boen intensively dercloped within him. bas no rooin for sijoh tinderlmnd dovieos as tumperiug witli t!u* appnratus willi whioh In* i> going to perform. Kor him thero most h«* 1 la* gcnni.no artiele, for him ihoroean ho only reftl satislaotion wlien tlie roni i bing is aeóoniplislmd. wlien tiniłs tlint ARK m.il.s aro limkon. whoii Iłars that ARK btrs aro bom. and wlien mir stroni; mail erm tum nromul :m<| say to hi' rirals. "Haro a *50 at tliar!" kiiowung fuli woli linii it will tako sonie

Careful Tahulation Desired.

Thoii, as regnrds tlie rnrions gauges ol xhe nails hynt or hmkeii. I tjuitr agrro wi; D l.eagimr Dum: that ii would h«* a g<od thiug in lmve theso oarofully tahuliitod. and tlie purtioulnr gaugo of nail montioiłod whoimror a elaim is mado foi* breaking theni.

I will suv without bosi t arion that sona* of tlie “wouderful foats" of honding si\ and oveii sercu nails at a linio Iiave noror heeii dom* willi tlie gennino artiele. I elaim to he un export. and I oan posiinely a.ssert tlint it onmioi ho dom*. If nu ordinarv tellów is doing one lie is doing woli. ii ho is doing iwo ho is doing exreptHiiially woli. nd I ani not ev»*n i hen speaking ol tho lioaviost gaugo inomionod by I .mg u oj* Runu. hut ot tho X*». ó gnngo whi'*h ho is oorroot at ostimaring ahoul ls to tho pomni.

My Methods in Practice.

The Xo. 1 gaugo is ilu* strong. hefty to Hu* w usorl for hoaoiest haulk-timhor Work. mu! it i*- ilmt om? wliirli should •*> ". od wlion all honding and hroaking olainis aro mad”, witli. of oourso. tlio imn-ós i that thoro is suffioient aulliori-tnrive oyidenoe thnf tho nails aro g<*nuiuo and bure not heen tamperod witli. liul I <l*i not rccotnmcnd that henry gaugo for prnelioe. l*'or my owu part. as witli woiglir-lifring. I like t«> wami up to tho worlc iii prnetioo. and as a rule I roemnmeiid tl"- Xo. 5 gatigo for ordinary heiiding. working up from flireo to loiir of tlioai hofore ta«-kliiig tho Xo. -1.


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