23406 TME9

23406 TME9

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Crttsading publisher of tlte Daily Bugle

tnctM and óomroerng. aai w. *1 hwJ no tme kjr costuroocj Shąm ItotDO*.


Jameson reocted to the gricfby throwing himscll cven morę fully into his protcssion.il lite. iising to bccomc editor-in-chiefof the Bttjlc. 1 le es entually bccjmc the p.ipers publisher, rdiiKjuishing the editor -in «. hict position to Joe "Kobbic" Robi iuson. Iii tmic.Jameson bought the paper. bor many years Jameson usod his ewsp.iper to tiglu tor civil rights and to Riule organized rinie. I lie Kim.MN of Crime tricd to luve hitu killcd.

Kit this attempt on his lite did nothing to ihangc Jameson s uiuonipromismg attitude.The stubborn,

•olligerent. but couragcous publisher contimied to print cxposćs o! big-time irmuuals—even when his old fhend. Norman Osborn. turncd out to be one ofthem.

Jameson began wriung eduorials agamst costumed Super I Icroes, critiri/ing them .is \igilantes who took the law mto thcir own hands.

When the Amazing Snm r-M\N appeared in New York and began tightmg crime as a costumed hero,

J Jonah Jameson foeused his most pointed jttjcks on the Wall t trawler.

He ralled Spuler-Man a men.ue. daiming tliat the Web Swinger was a danger to the oti7en> ot New York


Ironieally, Jameson has bought many phocos of Spider- Mon iii actmn from treelanee photographcr Peter Parker. Unkiu>wn to the Iiu^lA publisher, Peter Parker is Spider-Mans sceret ldcntiiy.

Jameson has tiied unsiu ceWully tor years to n mer Spidei Mans irue uientity. cven hirmg pmate ikievtives and ołlering wards for intormation He lus uewr suspeeted th.u the Webbcd Wonder is in ■ one ot* his most prized freelancers.

ł ker the years.Jameson has madę a number ofattempts to eapture Spider Man, '•■■mg h:ring I )r. Marla Madison to build him a Spider Slayer robot. I le latcr in love w ith Marla and the two were nurried.

15 spite his hatred for Spider-Man, Jameson is not a murderer and only hopcs ipture and unmask Sp»der-Man. not to kill łnm. th




J. Jonah Jameson began his career in journalism while he was still in high school, working as a part-rime copy boy for New York s prestigious Dnily Bugle newspapcr.The son of a war hero. he obtaincd ńrsthand experiencc of conflict when he served as a war correspondent in Europę during World War II. Jameson later spent three years covering the Korean War. during which timc Joan—his first wife and the mother of his son.

John—was tragieally killed by a masked mugger, sparking a lifelong distrust of mask-wearers, be they eillain or hero!

J. Jonah Jameson OCCUPATtON

Ownar and pobhstw, Doły Bugle



New City

Jameson, J. Jonah


Amazing Spidar-Man 01 iMarcft 1963)

HEK3HT 5 ft 11 m WEIOHT 210 Ib*


HAIR: Blach, wftit® at the temprtW

ho tx4cvo» ho • ngU

J. Jenot: Jem has no Mwnmr puwers. tiul tw dubbam. ixxxyrvom<inQ dtMutte rrmhm twn tomcjdWo ocpononl Dut^- Aen *>1 kracuiA he

m hal no rv» tMt fm ti manutr Norman /**» ■hoOoeriGobśr



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