33787 skanowanie0032 (41)

33787 skanowanie0032 (41)

Types of Gram    Forms of Grain

Whole Grains Whole grains undergo the least amount of Processing of any form of grain because only the outer hulł is removed. This means that whole grains reąuire the longest cooking time of any form of grain, but they are the most nutritious form of grain because the nutrient-rich bran and gerrn are left intact. Whole grains are also referred to as hulled grains.

j Whole-grain Buckwheat

Pearled Grains Grain that has been pearled refers to the removal of the bran layers resulting in grain with much less fiber. One advantage of pearled grain is that it cooks faster and is morę tender than whole grain. Pearled grain is also known as polished grain.

Pearled Barley

Grits Grits are a form of grain in which the kemels have been cut into smaller pieces so that they cook much morę quickly. Grits are also known as steel-cut or cracked grains.

Steeł-cut Oats

Grain Flakes Grain flakes are created with a process in which the grain is steamed and rolled to produce flattened, or flaked kemels, which allows the grain to cook at a much faster ratę. Grain flakes are also known as rolled grains.

Green Rice Flakes

Meal Meal refers to grain that has been ground until it has a course, sandy tęxture. The meal is yftea used jn breads and cereals.


Bran Bran is the nutrient packed layers covering the inner kemel of grain. Bran is basically indigestible, but it is loaded with fiber, which is important for digestive health. Some types of bran are so popular as a food supplement that they are sold as a separate product. Oat and rice bran are two of the morę ' popular examples of grains in which some of the bran is removed during processing and ground into a meal to be used as a supplement or food additive.

Oat Bran

Germ The germ is the embryo of a kemel of grain, located at the bottom center of the kemel. It is the oily part of a kemel or seed from which a new plant sprouts. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals so it is highly nutritious. The germ also contains fat, which decreases the shelf life of the grain and any grain product containing the germ.

Wheat Germ


Flour is a form of grain created by grinding and sifting grain into a powdered form that varies from very soft to coarse in texture. It is used as the main ingredient for making many breads, cakes, pastries, and other types of baked goods.

Sorghum flour


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