33789 oak sih8
Figurę 27. Type VI, from thc River Thanies. Reading Museum, England. Expossed tang 8cm.
Figurę 28. Type VII, from the River Scheldt. The Armouries, H.M. Tower of London (now Royal Armouries at Leeds.)
Figurę 29. Type VII, from rhe Rivcr Grcar Ouse. Cambridge, England, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
BL: 77.5cm.
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27298 oak sih8 80 Figurę 71. Hilt of a very large sword (Type XIA) found near Pontirolo in North Itoak sih8 20 Figurę 16. A pattern-welded blade, c.650-700, from a Viking grave in South Finland. (Heoak sih0 32 Figurę 30. Found in Italy; an unusual pommel, but other examples exist, c. 850. (Philadoak sih8 Figurę 47. Sword of Typc XI, Nationalmuseet, Copenhagcn, c. 1100. BL: 94cm. Figurę 50. Hiloak sih8 -H Cb H t X F R H e X n? H G X. F - Co ^ł- coH GXf‘RHCX -k!^€X Figurę 41. Silver-inlaid inoak sih0 12 Figurę 6. Iron sword and bronze scabbard, circa 300 B.C., from a bog at Lindholmgard, Doak sih2 34 Figurę 34. INGELRII sword, c. 950. Formerly in mv own collectioii. This J &oak sih2 54 Figurę 53. From rhe West Front of the Cathedral at Rheims, c. 1250, Archbishop Turpin gwięcej podobnych podstron