37010 P1170412 (2)

37010 P1170412 (2)

98 Fritz Horst

1982 Die jungbronzezcitlichcn Biirgoi im nordwestlichen Tell der DOR. lin:) BeitragezuS

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1988 Nordischer Kullurbcroich der jiingrrm Bronzezcil und die Herausbildung

prrmonurhm Stommę, |iii; 1 Fruhe Vólker in Mitteleuropa, Berlin, s. 25-34.

Kersten K.

1958 Die Fundę der alteren Bronzezcil in Pommem. Hamburg.

Kos Ir ze ws ki'J.

1958 Kultura łużycka na Pomorzu. Poznań.

Lampe W.

1982a Ockerttz Ein jungbronzezeilltcher Hortfund von der Intel Usedom, Berlin.

I982b Zur endbronzezeithchen Beziedlung der Intel U redom, Bodcndenkmalpilege Mecklenburg. Jg. 1981. S. 85 114.

Prahistoria ziem polskich

1979 Bd. IV. Od środkowej epoki brązu do środkowego okresu lateńskiego. Wrocław!

Schulz R.

1972 Zur jungeren Bronzezeit toestlich der unteren Oder, Zeitschrift fur Archaologie. Bd. S. 175 189.


1930a Zur Handeisgeschichte der germanitchen Bronzezeit, Berlin.

1930b fui menkreise der jungeren Bronzezeit in Norddeutschland, lin:) Schumacher tchTTjl. Mainz. S. 122- 136.

1956 Jungbronzezeiiiiche Hortfunde der Sudzone des Nordischen Kreises (PeriodŚ Mainz

Thrane H.

1977 Ober die Verbindungen zuntdien Odergebiet und Sudsfcondinatńen iń der zezeit. besonders in Per. IV. lin:) Geneza kultury łużyckiej na terenie Nad Wrocław. s_ 149 - 160.

Vollbrecht E.

1968 Die Grab/unde der jungeren Bronzezeit in Pommem. Hamburg (ungedruckte Dna).    \

Wesołowski S.


1983 Plemiona kultury łużyckiej na terenie Szczecina. lin:l Dzieje Szczecina, Pradzieje Szczecina, Warszawa Poznań, s. 279— 468.

Anschrift des Verfassers: Dr. FRTTZ HORST. Akademie der Wissenschaften DDK. Zentralinstitut fur Alte Geschichte und Archaologie. Leipziger Str. 3 4. 1! Berlin. DDR

Henrik Thrane


This paper may disappoint those readers who expect a series of ready results from analyses of relevant finds. I have written it to illustrate some trends in current research and to express what I regard as the potential of futurę studies. At the moment so much is going on in parts of Denmark and Scania that one may hope for a whole package of new ideas and interpretations pertinent to the theme of my title. I do hope that some readers may find some of my remarks usefuil for work which will help us North of the Baltic in our attemps to understand the naturę of the Bronze Age in Pomerania and areas East and West of it.

A few years ago I attempted a survey of the connections between the Oder area and Denmark mainly for the Middle Bronze Age (H. Thrane 1977). Nbt too much new materiał has come to light sińce then, but even so new dimensions may be added. Recent years has seen a re-orientation of Bronze Age research in South Scandinavia. Major studies of metal work are now 10 years old or morę (J. Jensen 1973; H. Thrane 1979) and there is an understandable pause in Early Bronze Age studies while the great corpus is being completed (E. Ąner, K. Kersten 1973 ff.) although students have already exploited the published mass of materiał in unpublished studies. It is however no longer typology, chronology and imports that are being studied. Like the recent field work these studies of old materiał concentrate on the internal relationships in attempts to elucidate regional structures, societal changes and socio-economic and settlement patterns (M. Strómberg 1975; 1982; H. Thrane 1982a; 1984; S. Welinder 1977).

This does not mean that the old field of study has been exhausted but i indicates an important shift in orientation which ultimately will benefit t the study of foreign relations too in as much that a morę thorough


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