43371 MR293R19051 1

43371 MR293R19051 1

Loosen The lowei securing scr^w (A) and xefftOve tbe iwo uppcr scrrws (B) .


It reąuires two people to reraove the hood.

Ref itting:

Repositron the hoorJ by mcans of the lower screw which has been left in place on the vehicle.

When the hood jls ęorrectly pnsitioned, retain it (by fjtting the 3 screws), but do not tighr.on thon.

Raisfc t.ho hood to the half open position and secure it in place with wodge to be able to reconncct tho gas stiuts-

Removc the wedge and rra_i.se the hood by following the sequence described on page (52-4).

Check that it i3 correctly adjusted (to fit t-he Windows and pillars) . F.inally tighten the fastenings.

Refi t the quarter trim.

Do not forget to reconncct tne alarm wiring barness.


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