51352 system 37

51352 system 37


sclf, and go tlirough tlić rubbnig exercises. As you are dressing again afterwards, you can wash your lace, neck, hands, and feet with soap in the wash-band basin. As you sce, the fatigues of the journey take the place of the exercises before the bath, but if you are staying scveral days in the same place you will of course go through the wholc System either morning or evening.

For Fat and Thin People

How can the same cause have two directly opposite effects ? Don't you know the fablc of the Indian wlio was so astonished to sec the Europcan blow warm and cold with the same mouth, first uhcn his fingers were cold and tlien when the soup was too hot ?

T divide people, as far as their habit of body is conccrned, into the following main classes : (r) The plmnp, (2) the thin, (3) the muscularly fat, (4) the skinny, and (5) the flabbily fat. There are, of course, many intermediate stages ; for instance, one sees people who actually in the upper part of their bodics belong to the one class, and in the lower to another. The bodies of those bclonging to the first class have fuli, long muscles, which are quite soft when in repose, the musclcs of the second class are short. well marked. and often oeertrained. The third class have a layer of fat above and between otherwise really good muscles, whereas the two worst classes have practically no muscles at all. lt is often very dilhcult to classify correctly anyone wearing clothes. Thus a great many men commonly come under the description of " strong ” who, from a physicaJ point of view, are no good whatever, while apparently lean men may be athletes. One and the same individual can change classes from many different causes, i.e. : if a man in Class 1 be not careful. and does not lead a healthy lifc, he either goes overinto Class 3 or jaccording to his age) too soon into Class 2. Class 4, with good living, becotnes Class 5, and this last again. through illness or starvation. Class 4. The models of the antique statues, both men and women, bclonged to Class 1 ; of the models of ‘'he present day, the men are generally Class 2, and the women Class 5. With sensible traimng (following out my directions, for instance), people of all Classes can be transformed to Class 1 (with the exception in certain cases of those in Class 2). People in Class 4 will develop tho musclcs of their bodies and limbs, and thus grow stouter and heavier.

As far as fat people are concerned, they must first ascertain to which class they belong, as people of the fifth Class must always proceed very gradually and cautiously.

People of the third Class can generally bear to get rid of fat guickly by long runs, sweat-baths, and rigid training. But the troublesomc part of this violent method is that the fat round the waist is the last to budge, whilst it is just that that one wishes to get rid of first. So that this training, too, should be supplementcd by my " Corset and rubbing exercises."

The most striking proofs with which I have hitherto become acquainted that " My System " will reduce superiluous fat are the following :—

Signor Contini, Director of the Maison Alexandre in Romę, who in two years, solely by the daily practice of " My System," reduced his weight from 123 kiiograms (270 lbs.) to 78 kilograms (171 Ibs.)—a loss of 99 lbs.


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