Inspect the spark pług condition. electrode color, carbon depos-its, spark pług gap, and washer damage, after removing the spark pług.
Remove the dirt around the spark pług before removing the spark pług to prevent dirt from entering the combustłon cham-ber.
Inspect the porcelain tip color.
09900-20803: Thickness gauge
Clean the spark pług with a brush or wire and check the spark pług gap with the thickness gauge.
Standard Spark pług: NGK BR8EG
Spark pług gap: 0.5 - 0.6 mm (0.020 - 0.024 in)
Tighten the spark pług to the specified torque after tightening the spark pług temporarily by hand H Spark pług: 20 N m (2.0 kgf-m, 14.5 Ib-ft)