Hordnaw 7900HV Hun mul Slablllly 9S0f
TllO ideał (oalluy lor a wlde rango of applkotiom, itWIeflok, and ruttmg rondMom ndwu looi Ma and hgKar faodi and spoodf ara oparating objarlWai. (Iw high lubi laty of TiN fonfatatm dup fłow, prawami Md up and redurm tutfcng for roi and tomponiluro, TIN redurai wear and imptowoi chip (oanoiion to aitand toołirl* Tdl ń a fiad dwu far lho ntodllnlng of Iron botod mulorloli, rnoldfng of plotki, and for tamponami roguwing rewtanu ta dram and udlwilyo waar.
Hordom 4000HV Thormol Slnblllly 7SOF
Alt oKioplionol high hordnau and Iow (oolfkient of friction rooting whkh prowtdai aualant waar rawtom HEN porfornu woli ruttlng olloy tloali, slainlots itoth, and In high ipaad tufting wtwro modorota tomparahroi aro Oonoralod ot lho ruttlng odgo. Proyldot on oorollanl wrłati ąuality on machlnod tomponanh Atut, excolont n applkotiom włiich rogulro high foad and ipaad latot.
Hardnou 2600HV Thormol Stoblllly 14 SOF
Idool for high tamparolura cultlng oporatiom ki mony malariah wdi ot tllonium and nkkol ailoys, Co O Mo itolnlau \toels, olloy itaałi and cott kom. TIAIN k idool for high temperaturo ruttlng operoliom, when aipotad to high temperaturo II forim o hord aluminum otcido layor. Ai tomparoturai incromo, the rooting imułatei thc tool and rojotli hoot into lho thips. TIAIN ti a wary tough rooting that will hołd up In hoavy and inlarruptad tuk
Hardnou 4S00HY Thormol Stobtlity MSOf
AITTN hm vory slmHar fonturos to TIAIN. II b Idool for high temperatura tunkig aparatem M At samo mówek « TIAIN and hm lho rama oxidollon affart AJTiN hm o highat afamkwm tomani whirh mata t mtk bardu mi imoothar thon TIAIN. It h idool fot unoilei depths ofert and urok ki high ipaad and dry moriwing appfcaaram and whan marhming hordanad Steel
Meln Tool Company
JJ/OW MeAStraataOmwM Otee MIM Nona 100 Ul IVI • N4.KI W\ f«x W4SJUS5I o tłimiWł