59483 IMGR42 (2)

59483 IMGR42 (2)


uncanncd hide or catde-lude leathcr. Pcrłup* rf«c «wH«ro UW of    «wAMM>a

flowod Ino wrMcrn Europc wtch cSme Islamie fawHrra of Spam i bu« M łfc aAMfcnal* *°    cbac ariaancrarir Roman coloiuan    ooa wrir iKc cuuomjiy whuc. a«a ao4

Purple    sandała and błiakina even if chcy wcaa impoctcd froui Korne. Ic aa rfrar fr i -u

”** «v»dcnce odTeffigie* and manuBcnpo cftsnc che aofi. ooloured. cawed IcMhcra Turni~i = m r**u^*r uae Gaś lashioeiablc nialr fimwear mc leaac fiom the bcginmng of chc aaoood millmium umil ebe end oTthe «gx»rjcnch ccntury (Fa^. 7X and for f*r»rule —~r    almcm up to

presenc day ; ~ł**?erxnesm oFbotła whiie and brighdy ooloured. cawtd la iscln r wcr« fidiinn a^r in che lSrac halToT che nineseernh ccntury.

Whethcr the aa me Lind od* ching Cftn bc    of g|ovea as morę ootijrirniral. Th*

antaquicy of glove». boch with and wichouc separafc fingen, as considccablc. Boyd Oawkins* averrcd chat evidence had been found tn cavcs of the Auvergnc and che r^yienccs chat prehistorie man wore gloves which muac have been of aomc kind of leathcr -Independent covcrings łbr che handt arc mendoned by Homer.* Xenophon» and PUny Mn<§ there aa a word (mefaW*) in the Xalmudic Lcxieon which haa been taken to indicaie diat Ohaldeana used some son of hazad oovcring. In an cighccenth dynasty lomb mural mc Td-d-Amarna. Ay. an cxaltcd court official of chc tamę whosc dtacics indudcd che mAnagcment ofhorao. aa wcaring rod glovcs.» Buc che cactcnc co which leathcr was uacd in the carly periods aa unknown. Ali chat can be f«'d aa chat asa comenon usc is highly probable and chat. for some purposes mc least, the ancicnt cawed. soft leathcr was emi-nrntly suicablc. Ac the cotnmcnccmcni of the Ohradan era. g!ovcs wctc fairly common among Roma na. About a.d. 790    a    granted mn unlimited liccncc co the Abbot

and monks of Sithkin co make glovcs. girdles and bookbindinga from the skins of dccr.* Glovci can scaredy havc been unknown in the Ibcrian peninsula mc cłae timc of che Mmorish invasion. and the ancicnt and highly organiyrd glovc indusery of Southern France, aca some rcspect or uther — probably in chc dressing of farae. nofs leathcr — nuy have owed tomething co the Gordobans. An importanc glovc indusery mimo dcvelopcd in Spain there arc many rcfćrences co che import into England (although prohibiced from of leathcr gloves from Spain (which na ta as bo carcfully distinguiahed from " Sparush leather’ gloves nam der in chis country) tuch ma the gmrehase fbe Henry VIII alrcady men-gfT%»wd and again when, in 1544* ® gratuicy of thirty shillings was givcn co "m gentleman 0g~ my [_x>rd Admyralles bringing a cofłre w* ae pacrc of Spaneyshe gloucs from m Ouchcs


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