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Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow

Essex CM20 2JE England

and Associated Companies throughout the world.


© Pearson Education Limited 2003

The right of Iwonna Dubicka and Margaret 0'Keeffe to be identified as authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Ali rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers.

First published 2003

Third impression 2004

ISBN 0 582 479886

Set in Syntax 11/15pt

Printed in Spain by Graficas Estella.

Author acknowledgements

We would like to thank the following people for their contribu-tions, encouragement and hard work: Darina Farrell, David Torra, Eustasio Gavilan, Eli Ridler, Albert Prades, Kim Ashmore, Anne-Marie Hennessy, Anita Herron, Marta La Torre, Nathalie Lebris, Maribel Marcia, Sean McGuinness, Jane and Simon Munn, Kelly and Leta 0’Donnell, Joan Offroy, Kash Sandhu, Alison Wilson as well as our friends, families and students. We would also like to thank lan Wood, our editor, for his invaluable input and professionalism and Dianę Legrande at the DK picture library for ali her hard work.

The authors and publishers would like to thank the following people for their help in piloting and developing this course: Jane Peignard; Noreen Noonan, CRET, Brianęon, France; Graham Stanley, Sant Ignasi-Sarria, Escola Superior d’Hosteleria i Turisme, Barcelona, Spain; Joanna Szerszunowicz, Studium Hotelarstwa i Obsługi Turystyki, Białystok, Poland; Bożena Wiercińska, Wyższa Szkoła Hotelarstwa Gastronomii i Turystyki, Warszawa, Poland.

We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright materiał:

HSA International for extracts from their website www.hsa.com; Pearson Education Limited for an extract from Tourism: Principles and Practice by Chris Cooper, John Fletcher, Stephen Wanhill, David Gilbert and Rebecca Shepherd; Travelpage.com for an extract from their website www.cruisepage.com; and company information from BA In-Flight Retail, Inghams Travel and P&O Cruises.

Photo acknowledgements

The publishers are grateful to the following for their permission to reproduce copyright photographs:

Alamo for page 16; AMS Hotel Group, Netherlands for page 32; Art Directors and TRIP for pages 70 and 103 bottom right; Britania Airways for page 58; British Airways for pages 59, 62 and 63; Corbis Images for pages 52, 53 right, 66 right and 101; DACS for 28 top right; Darina Farrell for page 8 top right; David Torra, page 62; Empics for page 27 left and top; Greg Evans International for pages 40 bottom left and 117; Eye Ubiquitous for pages 8 top and 103 bottom left; Fiordland Travel for pages 74 top and bottom and 77; Robert Harding for pages 12 left, 40 right, 53 left, 86 right and 113; Holiday Inn Crowne Plaża Hotel for page 46 top middle; Image State for pages 64 left and 98; Inghams Travel for pages 80 and 84; Philip Lamble for pages 24 left, 28 left, 28 middle, 28 bottom right and 29 right; Life File Photographic Library for page 103 top left; Link Picture Library for page 46 top right; The Moviestore Collection for page 100 left; NASA for page 12 right; Richard Nowitz for page 53 bottom right; PA Photos for page 64 top right; P&O Cruises for page 40 top, 41 top left and centre, 42, 114 and 116; The Photographers Library for page 92; Pictor International for page 40 top left; Pictures Colour Library for page 64 bottom right; Popperfoto for page 82; The Swiss Hotel Management Service for pages 7 and 83; Mark Edward Smith for page 34 bottom left; Travel Ink for page 10; Up Up and Away Ballooning for page 78 middle right and Whale Watch, New Zealand for page 78 middle left.

Images taken from DK Eyewitness Travel Guides published by Dorling Kindersley Limited:

Travel Guide Amsterdam - page 33; Travel Guide Bali and Lombok - page 78cra; Travel Guide Barcelona - page 24tr,

24c, 25; Travel Guide Berlin - page 11cr; Travel Guide Cracow - page 66cla, 66cra, 67; Travel Guide Florence and Tuscany-page 113; Travel Guide Florida - page 12tl, 12c Universal Studios, 14; Travel Guide Istanbul - page 54cl, 54bl, 54br, 55; Travel Guide London - page 18tc; Travel Guide Mexico - page 99, 100tc; Travel Guide New York - page 11 cl, 18ca, 64cb; Travel Guide New Zealand - page 75, Travel Guide Paris -page 11 cl; Travel Guide Romę - page 11 cl; Travel Guide Seville and Andalusia - page 11c; Travel Guide South Africa -page 46tl, 46cra, 49, 78cla; Travel Guide Spain - page 24cr, 28ca, 29ca; Travel Guide St Petersburg - page 11cr; Travel Guide Thailand - page 18cra, 86tc, 86c, 87cla, 87c, 87cr, 88, 90crb, 91 clb, 10Otr, 10OcI; Travel Guide Venice & Veneto - page 18tl, 18cla, 30tc, 30cl, 30tr, 35cb, 38t, 39ca, 115cb.

We regret that we have been unable to tracę the copyright holders of the photographs on pages 37 and 78 middle far left and would welcome any information enabling us to do so.

The front cover photographs are all © DK with the exception of the middle image which is © Ouadrant Picture Library/The Flight Collection. The back cover photographs are all © DK.

Illustrated by:

Jacey, Micky Finn, Jane Spencer, Bill Donohoe and Peter Greenwood.


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