Gillingham, John, Richard I and the Science ofWar in the Middle Ages, War and Government in the Middle Ages, ed. Holt and Gillingham, 1984, pp.78-91. Gravett, Christopher, Hastings, 1066, London. 1992. Includes arms, armour and costume.
Heath, łan, Armies of the Dark Ages, Wargames Research Group, 1977.
Heath, łan, Armies of Feudal Europę, Wargames Research Group, 1978.
Hill, Rosalind, Crusading Warfare: A Camp-followers Viem iogy-i 120, Proceedings of the Battle Abbey Conference 1978, 1979, pp.75—83.
Nicolle, David, The Normans, London, 1987. An Osprey volume with colour reconstructions.
Norman, Vesey, The Medieval Soldier, London,
1971. Detailed coverage of arms, armour and tactics of the period.
Paterson, Linda M., Military Surgery: Knights, Sergeants, and Rairnon of Avignon s Yersion of the Chirurgia of Roger of Salerno (u8o—i2og), The Ideals and Practice of Medieval Knighthood II, 1988, pp.117-146.
Stenton, F., The Bayeux Tapestry, London, second edn. 1965. Includes a good basie description of arms and armour written by the late Sir James Mann, Master of the Armouries at the Royal Armouries. Also a section on costume.
Wilson, D., The Bayeux Tapestry, London, 1985. Excellent colour reproduction plus text, including coverage of arms and armour.
The silver scal die of Robert FitzWalter, probably dating to the early tjth century. The enclosing hełm is rather similar to that o f Richard I. The knight wears a surcoat and his horse a long caparison or trapper which bears his arms. The testier orhead covering may be of pourpoint to guard the animaTs head. (Reproduced by courtesy of the Trustees of the British Muscum)