71962 TME$7

71962 TME$7

Richards, Franklin

Son of Reed and Sue Richards of the Fani as nc Four, Franklin Richards was once one of the most powerful mutants on Larth. Before his birth. strange cnergies flowing through Sue s body nearly killed both mother and baby until Annihilus”

Cosmic Control Rod suppressed them.

Acatha Harkness actcd as Franklins nanny in his earliest ycars.The boy sooti began to exhibit immense |>sionic powers.

Using his ability to sec possible futures. be became a member of Power Pack under the hanieTatdctale. Nathaniel Richards. bis grandfather. latcr raised him in a realni outside of tinic, where he became tlie adult adventurer Psi-L ord. and founded the Fantastic Forcc before I lyperstorm eraseil his adult form from existcnce.When the Avf.n<.;f.rs and the Fantastic Four seemingly perished fighdng Onslauc.h i , Franklin tempoiarily sent them to a “Counter-Earth” of his own creation. He used his powers to rcstorc Galacius to life and return his sistcrValcria to his mothers womb, but lost his powers in the process. Recently. Doctor Doom hanished Franklin to Heli. causing psychologic.il trauma that persisted long after his rescuc. OW

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madę Franklin the laroet



Franklin Benjamin Richards OCCUPATION Occasional adventurer BASE

New York City

HEIGHT 4 ft 8 in WEIGHT 100 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Blond


Fantastic Four Annual #6 (1968)

Fomrcrty possossod vasl powers of tetepathy and tetekJrtesłs. as woli os the ability to tire psionic blasis. reshapo roakty. appear m ustroi form. and perceive futuro evonts.













Peter Parker as Rcochet. woaring a costimo designed by he partner.

the las/Mon-oonscaous Mary Jane.


Wlicn Simdfk-Man was falscly accused óf niurdcr. a $5 million reward was placcd on his head and ho was forccd to adopt a new identity in order to fmd the real killer. Instead of tcmporarily assummg one ncw persona, he created four:

Ricochet, Dusk, Hornet, and Proimgy. After clearing his name. Spider-Man discarded these identities and their costumes.The costumes came into the possession of a former Super Mero called the

Black Marvel. who gave them to four teenagers and fbrmcd a new super-teain called the Slingers. One of che members was Johnny C i.illo, a trouhled youth who had grown apart from his father after his raothcr was killed in a car accident. Johnny literally leaped at the chance to use his mutant powers in the Slingers. but likc the ot her members of the team lic was disillusioned when it emerged that the Black Marvcl had obtained the costumes from Mn-msro. Nevertheless, the Slingers batded to save the Black Marvels soul from iMephisto and won.although the batdc nined the life ofthe Black Marwl.The Slingers then disbanded and Galio moved to Los Angeles. Hejoined a group of former ^ nage heroes who werc adjusting to dvilian life and trymg to dissuade other teenagers frotn becoming costumed heroes. TD

FACTFILE REAL NAME Jonathon “Johnny" Galio OCCUPATION College student BASE

Los Angeles. Calrfornia: formerly ■ Brooklyn. New York

HEIGHT 5 ft 10 in * WEIGHT 155 IbS


Slingers *0 (as Johnny Galio. December 1998)

Mutant with superhuman leapmg. acrobetic. and gymnastic skiłs. Possosses o 'danger senso*, srrrtar to Spider-Manfc ’sp*der senso* Also usos throwing disks as weapons.

Rirochel cast use his ihrouing dises to shotter opposing urjponry and sutsi his fors









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