66220 The Knitters Bible8

66220 The Knitters Bible8












Pand of 6 JWChes

' Panel of 6 Jtrtchcs

Four Stitch Cable

(crosscd cvcry 4th row)


C4F - sl 2 sts on to cable nccdlc at front. k2. k2 from cable nccdlc.

Panel of 4 sts on rcv st st.

Row I (RS) K4.

Row 2 11 24.

Row 3 C4F.

Row 4 P4.

Kcpcal thcsc 4 rows.

Four Stitch Cable

(crosscd cvcry 6th row)

Abbrcviation: C4l: - sl 2 sts on (o cable nccdlc at front. k2. k2 from cable nccdlc.

Panel of 4 sts on rcv st st.

Rows I and 3 |KS) K4.

Rows 2 and 4 P4.

Row S C4F.

Row 6 P4.

Rcpcat thcsc 6 rows.

To cross the cable to the righl work C4B instead of C4F.


C4B - sl 2 sts on to cable nccdlc at back. k2. k2 from cable nccdlc.

Panel Of 4 Jlitchcs Ponęt of 4 strtch«

Six Stitch Cable

(crosscd cvcry 6th row)


C6F - sl 3 sts on to cable nccdlc at front. k3. k3 from cable nccdlc.

Panel of 6 sts on rcv st st.

Rows I and 3 (RS) KG.

Row 2 and every foli WS row P6.

Row S CGF.

Row 6 P6.

Rcpcat thcsc 6 rows.

Six Stitch Cable

(crosscd cvcry 8th row)


C6F - sl 3 sts on to cable nccdlc at front. k3. k3 from cable nccdlc.

Panel of G sts on rcv st st.

Rows 1,3 and 5 (RS) KG.

Row 2 and every foli WS row PG.

Row 7 CGP.

Row 8 PG.

Rcpcat thcsc 8 rows.

Four Stitch Wave Cable


C4F - sl 2 sts on to cable nccdlc at front. k2. k2 from cable nccdlc.

C4B - sl 2 sts on to cable nccdlc at back. k2. k2 from cable nccdlc.

Panel of 4 sts on rcv st st.

Rows I and 5 (RS) K4.

Row 2 and cvcry foli WS row P4.

Row 3 C4F.

Row 7 C4B.

Row 8 P4.

Rcpcat thcsc 8 rows.









p on RS rows. k on WS rxws [~1 konRSrowv.ponWSrcws


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