67458 skanuj0056 (28)

67458 skanuj0056 (28)

Mikołaj Madurowicz


Miasto bowiem zwykle zaczyna się dla swych mieszkańców od placów położonych w samym centrum, od kopuł.

Dla wędrowca - od przedmieści.

Josif Brodski

Who is a tourist in a city’s space? Research

Summary: Imagine the world without tourists... The only linkage between cultural areas, towns, regions would be a travelling agent of goods, Capital, or ideas, or as a last resort - an outcast, or a fugitive, a tramp. A need to appease the human curiosity and the natural dynamism of all lwing creatures (except plants) would be replaced with the intensity of existence in the place of birth. The primary attachment to one place turned into the attachment to many places or to no place at all. The search for new places, even if only temporary ones (the criterion of novelty of the experience is a little bit diminishing the process of the constant search - for what, then?), is gradually effacing the difference between the place of departure (the place-that-was) and the place of destination (theplace-to-come). Each person becomes an involuntary entity “in between”: dynamie, curious, cognitively unsatisfied. Not everyone who is visiting the city can be classified as a tourist, as well as not every tourisfs motivation or behaviour needs to be called touristic ex definitione.

Some constant features can be distinguished from the complexity and the multiplicity of the tourists’ activities and they are: the indispensability of the movement in space (not raising any doubts, as far); the always present motive of a journey; and also the need - that is the State of dissatisfaction or


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