Marinę Captain Frank Castle was a dccorated hero during the Vietnam War. Winner of the Bronze and Silver Star, and recipient of four Purple Hearts, Castle was an cxccptionally skillcd conibat veteran.Then canie the evcnt that changed his lite. While on leave in New York, Castle took his family for a pienie in Central Park.There they witnessed a niob niurder. The niobsters then killed Castles wife and two young children
Frank Castto (bom Castiglion^
HEIOHT 6 ft 1 In WEIOHT 200 lb« EYES DJuo HAIR Black
Amtong Spóf -Man • 129 (FaOruary 1974)
WEAPONS and Enemies
and tadtcal woopons. and ito is u superior marllał artel and hondto hand combatont.
'Ihe big while skuli fili 1‘unishrr's <ostume Jraws (rimiiul fin to his hearily armoreJ body raiher ihan lo his unpMedeJ heaJ
7T» Punisher b seasened combat votoron cd «xccptonal słoi. He hen undorgono SEAL (Soo. Air, Land). UDT (Unckjrwator Domoitior Tmitri). and LRPA (Loog Rango Palroi) fiłdrtnry tralring. Ho « an oxpcrl usmg al typoa oI smal orma and large cafiber gifis, he has
With his whole world destroyed. Casdc deserted froin the Marines and dropped out ofsight for a few months.Whcn hc resurfaced, it was as a vigilantc named the Punishcr, who conducted a onc-man, anti-crinie tampaign throughout New York City.
hquipped with an arsenał of weapons. the Punisher took his vcngeance on the mob gang who had killed his family, but he didn*t stop there. He vowed to kill all criminałs of cvcry kind.
The Punisher has devotcd his life to destroying organi/ed crime, drug dealers. Street gangs, muggers. killers, or any otlicr criminal element. His actions have brought him into conflict with several costumed heroes, such as Simoer-Man (with whom hc has also cooperated). and Dakedlyh . who strictly opposes Punishers lethal medioils.
To carry out his onc-man war on crirne, the Punishcr uses machinę gum, rifles. handguns. shotguns, knivcs, ga*nade launchers, armor-piercing bullcts.and explosivcs. His weapons are customized with tactical scopcs, niglu-vision scopes. sileniem, and tripods. Among thosc he has hattlcd are ciur Italian and Kussian Mafia, the JapancscYakuza, ChinescTriads, drug cartels, biker gangs, andI corrupt cops. MT