1. Stand in a naturul. retaxed position. brcathing normally.
2. Takc a fuli. decp breath through your nose, expanding your chest and ihrowing back your shoulders
3. Force air pressurc down so that you feeł it in your lowcr abdomen. It is at (his point in thc breath cycle that you tense for thc exercise. Hołd for ten scconds.
When you first start the excrciscs. you may not bc able to hołd for morę than 4 or 5 seconds. Add one second each day until you arc able to hołd for a count of ten.
4. After ten scconds. cxhalc slowly through your mouth as you relax complctely. Before going to the ncxt cxcrcisc. remain rcłaxed and breathe normally for ten seconds or morę.