FIRST APPEARANCE Web of Sp*dor Man #117 (Octobor 1994)
REAL NAME O Judas TraveUer
OCCUPATION Adventurof BASE Currentty unknown
HEIGHT 6 ft 7 in WEIGHT .'45 Ibs EYES Blue (pupils tum red
wh«n ho usfts ho powers) HAIR White
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possossos limitod psion.c powers
and tho mutant abUfty to alter peop(«'s perceptons ot reafcty
FIRST APPEARANCE Avong«rs Vol. 3 *8 (Soptombor 1998)
REAL NAME Ootroy G.vrett Jr
OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE New York Crty
HEIGHT 8 ft 3 In WEIGHT 200 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesses physical attntoutes ot
strength. speod and agility Ihat aro three timos grealer than tho peak
ot human potential; car run fast enough to dodge txitets
FIRST APPEARANCE fantastc Four *45 (D©cemb<y 1965)
REAL NAME Urtrev«aied
OCCUPATION Scout BASE Washington. D.C.
HEIGHT 6tt1in WEIGHT ^OlbS EYES Greon HAIR Nono SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Can breatho underwater but cannol survlve on land wrthout special equipment Has suporhuman strength and other physcal adaptator,s for undersea l<vmg.
HEIOHT 5 ft 7 in WEIGHT 125 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black
New Wamors 928 (Octoóer 1992)
Michiko ‘Mickey’ Musashi OCCUPATION Adventuror. |ournatet BASE
Mickey Musashi never wanted to be a bero. In r (|ie journaUsm student thought that being a Hero was a ridiculous notion...until she came across the Turbo suit.This remarkable piece of equipment was created by a Liman scientist under the orders of the DlR£ Wraiths. When the suit* entor learned that the suit was to be used for evil purposes, he gave it to a man named Brock Jones, who donned it to fight crime as the hero Torpedo.
Eventually. the Wraiths found and killcd Brock Jones, and the suit passed to Brock's cousin Mikę Jefłries, who shared it with Musashi. As it turntd out. the suit worked better for her than for Jcffries and she reluctantly became the hero known as Turbo.
While teamed with the Nlw Warrioks team, Turbo battlcd the Dire Wraiths, as well as the criminal team known as Heavy Mettle.
Retiring from battling cvil as Turbo. Musashi pursued her journalism carcer. Morę significantly, Musashi set up a gtoup named Excelsior with the express purpose of dissuading super-powered teenagers from choosing to risk their lives as heroes. MT
Famou* criminal psychologist Dr. Judas TravcUer was lecturing in Europę when hc became aware of the Brotherhood of Scrilrs, a secret criminal organization.
The Scriers sent an assassin to inject Travellcr with a fatal drug. Instead of killing him. the drug triggered Trawllcrs mutant abilidcs and he su tle red a nervous breakdown. The Scriers supervised his recovery and assigned four agents—Mr. Nacth, Medea. Boonc. C 'liakra and a Scrier—to watch ovcr him 24 hours .1 day. After Spider-Mam freed him from the Scriers* control.Traveller went into hiding. to
Turbo "s stul is ttted with |et turbtnes I li alkwws Turbo to fty (aster llian a } commoroal je«. and U* poworful ; turblnes on hor wrtsts aHow her to dtsłwer lurbino-powered łiyper-punches. The suit can atao tire energy bursts. and Its vtsor has tetescopć sights.
An Olympic sprinter brought Iow and disgraccd by a steroid scandal, Delroy Garrett Jr.joined a pluiosoplucal inovcment known as theTriune Understanding. łioping to a*alize his latent potential. Jonathan Tremom, leader of the Triune Understanding. merged Garrett Jr. with the cosmic energy shard of the 3-1) Man and gave his new reeruit virtually superhuman abilities. As the heco Triathlon. Garrett Jr.joined the Avfnglrs. During a fight against theTriple-EviI. he temporarily gained cosmic powers when he absorbed three cosmic energy shariłs. DW
Triton is .1 membcr ot* the royal family of che Inhumans. a genetic offshoot of the luiman race.The son of the Inhuman priest and philosopher Mandcr and his biologist mothcr Ażur,Triton was cxposcd to mucagenic Terrigen misi when a year old.Thc resulting mutations adaptcd him to live and brcathe underwater. Along with other membcr* of the myal family. Triton was banished when Maximus Cirst usurped the throne.Whilc in cxilc.Triton first encountcred and fought the Fantastic Four. Since then, howevcr, Triton has bet onie the ally of the Fantastic Four and Prince Namor.
( Turbo's wnst tuebnos pack a i powarful puneb. <łoUvering as much lorce as a je* engino.