79027 s&h 074

79027 s&h 074



by eareful batbing and a good rub w i tli a eoarse tow cl.

A usnally dry skin will need plcnty of soap and warm water and a flcsb bnisli, and inci-dcntally it niiglit be mcntioncd herc tliat tbere is no bcttcr soap tliau tbe pure c-astile, wbenever it is possible to obtain it.

A warm batli once or cycu twicc a day is desirable, altbough in tbe morning it may bc followcd by a cold spongc—if tlie system can stand it. Warm watei* relaxes tbe mus-cles and tissucs and is very restfnl, and at tbe finish of a day’s work—whetber tbe worlc be exereise or business—notbing could be morę restful and rofresbiug. Tbe man wbo takes drink to recuperate would experiencc bcttcr and morę lasting rcsnlts if be nere to take a batli.

Tbe time to take a sponge batb is in tbe morning, not immediately npon rising, buf after a certain amount of excrcises has started tbe blood circulating frcely, and wben tbe skin bas a bcaltby glow. If you


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