87135 Ittman 45

87135 Ittman 45


Exercise No. 5.


To do ihis exereise properly it is nccessary to fili ihe lungs before getting tlie propcr position for the cxercise. Do this by filling the abdomen first and ilien cxpanding the whole frame until the lungs arc swelled to their limit. Stand ercct, draw in the stornach by means of the abdominal muscles and cxtend the arms horizontally in front of you on a leve! with the shoul-ders until both hands touch. Holding your breath, force your arms as far back as possiblc (shown in piąte) then forward again with rapid movements. Risc slightly on the toes as arms go back. De surę to hołd your arms lóvel with shoulders and hołd your breath. Force the arms far back and wcll in front and do it rapidly. This may be repeated, inhaling as you go back and exhkling as you come forward. If you put sonie snap in this last part you will learn to catch a fuli breath quickly when in yiolcnt action, as in wrest-ling, boxing, etc.


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