89147 s&h 048
enorgy. and tbe foods to supply tlmt are fouud largely in snob vegetabios as potatoes, parsnips, earrols, boets, in oatmeal, liuck-wbeat, riee, Indian roni, eto.
The proteids. especially tliose in tbe meats, will deyelop a great amouut of energy in a skort spa< e of l imo, and wo aro taughr to bolioro tlioy aro bost for tln* atblote, or whon sonie uunsual feat or physieal task is to bo porformod. The atbioto, wlio bas boon buikling bimsolf up on protoids, dnring bis aetive work, eontiuucs tbe diet whon be bas coased to bo a roni pot i tor, and tbe rosult is indigestiou, not so mutb because tbe food is wrong, but because tbe babits of liis life have changod. Ue must oitlior return to bis former coudition or ebango bis diet. It is simply a caseof eonditions altering eireum-stauocs.
Tbe aniouut of food eonsumed after about tbe ago of thirty-five yoars bas lieeu passed sliould bo very nmeb redueed, and at tbe age of about sixtv-five, ono-balf tln- rjuantity do-
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