Notę. When several ‘content’ words occur together, care must be taken to give them fuli stresses. The stressed syllables in this exercise should be spaced in a regular rhythm.
Read the following barred sections. The teacher reads a section once. the students repeat it three times in steady rhythm before the teacher proceeds to the next hor.
Later, you may say them with different tunes (from 1 to 12). (You may also try to break/ divide Iong sequences into two or three Tonę Units (intonations/phrases/sense groups).
1. buk _e gud buk | _e veji gud buk _a veji gud tekstbuk |
_e veai gud skuwl tekstbuk
2. _0 klcG _ 0 pijs0V klo0 _0 pijsev wait klo0 _0 laad3 pijsav
wait klD0 _0 laad3 pijsav pjue wait klo0
meajiz doi
meeaiz njuw doi meejiz njuw t^aine doi
meajiz tuw njuw t$aina dclz
4. a boi
a nooti boi
e veji nooti boi j a ven nooti
igglij skuwlboi
5. _ 5© dei | _ Se heul dei | nisliSs haul dei | veai nieliSe heul dei
veai nialiSe haul dei log |
6. _ 0 kAp __ en emti kAp _an emti kApan soosa en erati kApanfd)©
baeuk(e)n soose tuw emti kApsan(d)a bjauk(e)n soosa
e Idji
a hevi Idji
a hevi IdjiwiS©
_a hevi IdjiwiS© leud
8 hevi IdjiwiS© laudav tuw tAnzav wud
8. wiski | skot$ wiski | _a bDtllav skot$ wiski | a botlley d3enjuin
skot$ wiski haafe botlley d3enjuin skot$ wiski
leudev wud
8 klok
mai fjendz klok
Ss h$($)ndz0vmai fjendz klok
metll h3e($)ndzavmai fjendz klok _ Se tuw bj8uk(s)n metll h$fae)ndz8vma
fjendz klok
10. 8 haeaet
e stjoo haseet
8 dsati stjoo haeaet
a veji deati
stjoo hasaat
a veji deati kjAmplld stjoo hasaet