

144    tren* Lasak

H | iw dmt bc some decocation pattems - probably symbolic signs (?). com-p^aańifciitified lummc motif. The necklace, which consists of 89 glass beadsllasah, kruktewtcz 2001:189, Fig. lOa). was discovered in an urncoveitd Mh | m The beads were amnged in iwo rows on skuli bones creating in tbe <ąęa pat of ihe uro a kmd of i dome-shaped structure. Then one bead occuncd betwcen fte siones of ihe packing Among thc bcads (87 pieces in total) only 8 are decorated wab i w»vy whilc (?) linę. It was a graye of an adult person ai the age gfjfaUkŁ Ibe bcads represeniing the same type (type 1) composed the necklace. fctjrwaeiDide of non-transparent glass. have dark blue colour and their surface | snaotli and dtiny. Motor mechanical damages (chippings, abrasions) may be MKodanseme of thetn and than dark grey hollows occur in those places. Sonę «f tfce beads are decorated with a white wavy linę (laid on?). The bcads do not kat pukli $9 the same objcct has often different heights. The dimensiotts of the bcads łtt. 0t-11 Mian in diameter. OJO-O.SO cm in height and the holes dtaoetr ił 136-6.40 aa.

Grot 311Bithout pąvement and packing. it contained numerous \essels ■t^BOK-Apor kom the fragments of a large urn 11 secondary vessels wete tencredtkere lassie the ani there were a bronze pin and 25 beads, including 7 mde of iaba and i 1 of dok blue glass. Among the latter there are 17 minor ad 1 kgo (Laak. knbewtcz 2001:190. Fig. U 0- The urn contained remains ofi wnadheigeof AJbIiui and a child at the age of Infans l. The beads fonnedi mddmtwdhamber specmici One larger bead (type I) is not decorated refersto 4ttłee«Msfromgra\e ?04. It is 0.80 cm in diameter, 0.40 cm in height and the WeiAaaoer 10.45 cm. Minor specimens (type O), although generał ly they «t 'la^^tęciftey wy in their diameter. height and hole’s diameter. Some of then HBHMiitlfctoail refer to flatten-globular forms, similar to the ones discov-aadayae 524. AU the heads are dark blue and sometimes even navy-blue.aml tor imamom are 140 an in diameter, 0.10-0.15 cm in height and the hole's liaaor ó 120-030 an

Grot 311. H ocamtd dncctly in sand and contained an um. 16 secondaty :łd^^ii'ęćase^tóe tbe um, 2 bronze bracelets and a necklace madę of 26 25 glass (Lasak, Baron 2003: 44. Fig. 5). Among U dark blue. some of them bear the traces of secood-

beads. wavy hollows were presened. wtifc Sjl^wSiŚ^flpdii^Btóe.or yellow glass pastę (polygonal a verticalpra jRMai. SonMy decorated beads occurred in grave 529. The objęci is eonnectcS ^I of unidentified sex. The necklace contains two 9f»afhn4a*l PlMfecr^ecimen The yellow beads (type III) are similal to tht ■» twoi ttul tn pace 290 (they also changed the colour trom white aj nrtwtfairdmnfles *■? ratn 0.35 to 0.40 cm, heights are 0.20-0.25 cm m ^^^^^■§M.25cm The dark blue beads (type 11) are similar tj

. ones discovered in grave 318, and except from 2 exemplars, 9 ilems bears the ..ces of wbite glass pastę decorations. Those bcads in vertical projection have ■jgjpnal shapes which are the result of detaching the "set in”, wavy decorative ni. The diameters of the beads are 0.35-0.40 cm, their heights are 0.15-0.25 ajBB)hole's diameters are 0.15-0.20 cm.

Grave 479. It was under a stone pavement surrounded by słone packing. an from an um covered with a piąte, it contained 15 secondary vessels, a cen-md | lid. Inside the um there were 5 beads madę of yellow glass, including .-miming in smali fragments. It was a burial of a child a! the age of In/ans 1/ »s II The beads represent the same type (type III) and were parts of a necklace, lar to the one discovered in grave 290. They refer with their shape and col-u to the beads from grave 381, although are generally smaller. Their diameters irom 0.30 to 0.35 cm. their heights are from 0.10 to 0.15 cm and their hole’s diameters are from 0.15 to 0.20 cm.

Grase 484. It was discovered in a compact manganese layer. and apart from a m il contained 7 secondary vessels. In various parts of the um. among tbe snal bonę remains. 51 dark blue glass beads were found. similar to tbe ones '.o\ered in grave 304 and to one specimen from grave 318. Moreover in the um herc were a bronze ring and a fragment of unidentified iron product (Lasak 2006. pnnt, Fig. 2). The grave belonged to an adult person of unidentified sex. The klace was madę of the beads representing the same type (type I). Among them •erc are 8 decorated with wavy linę madę of glass pastę. The ornament bas left Iows(a set ornament?), giving the beads polygonal shape in vertical projection.

. diameters of the beads are from 0.65 to 0.80 cm. their heights are from 0.30 150 cm and their hole’s diameters are from 0.25 to 0.40 cm.

Grave 489iiDiscovered in homogeneous sand. it contained outstanding grave 8Mk on the scalę of the whole cemetery (Figs 1-2). Apart from an um covered 9 piąte, it contained at least 17 secondary vessels, including some painted. a tauSrand 2 lids. 27 whole and fragments of further 7 beads were found rnainly on 4? phte (the um cover) as well as in the surroundings of the um and the painted jp(łll mail about 34 items), representing forms that varied strongly with respect ■hape. colour, methods of decorating and the technique of producticn Most of t bcads bear the traces of secondary buming. The burial belonged to a person of -nidentified sex and at the age of Jiwenis/Adultus. That gra\e unit contained "t .aned forms (types) of glass beads. The grave lacks only yellow speci-3 (type III) and there is a single larger flattened-globular exemplar of dark ^tokntr (type I). The minor dark blue beads refer to the ones discovcred in e 318, bowever, the others are large. have strongly diverse shapes. colouis | lecoration. The larger part of them (27 items) havc a form of morę or less "med spherc and similar to a ring-like form (type IV). Practically every bead is


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