13042 TME3

13042 TME3

For most oł its htstory. tho Avongers etnpłoyed a rotatmg chairmanship that alowod different acting members to cłuur mocCiogs and mato adfTur*slrative deasons. Goplan Amenca usuały served as team loador in the ficłd.


On a paraHel Earth, govemment scientists created a super-sotdier formula, but lost it when Captain America disappeared during World War II. Many years later. Dr. Bruce Banner was hired to reereate it. Working out of a rundown research facHity in Pittsburgh, he engaged in secret superhuman trials on civiłians and oven tested the formula on himself. transforming himself into the rampagtng Hulk. General Nick Fury took custody of Banner and ordered him to complete his research in order to create a new super-team caHed the Uttimates. This team induded Dr. Hank Pym. a cybertrorucs expert and a wortd authority on super-genetics.


1 Cia-t Mon 2 -en w aa 3 Hawkc , 4 Waop 5 Captain Amenca 6 Black W-dow 7T-.v

cquipment, weaponry, security countermeasures and Computer systems. He also used his government contacts to lobby for A-1 or Avengers Priority security clearance to aid the team s operatious.

The Avengers began to establish theinselves by figli ting łbes like the Si*acf Phaniom, the Lava Mi n. the Moll Man, Baron Zi mo, his M am i ks oi F.yil atu! Kang.The team also met Wonder Man who later sacrificcd himself to save them.

Ali of the founding members ewntually left the team, lcaving Captain America in charge with a band that lirst consisted of Hawkeye, the Scarlkt Wiich and Quk:ksu.ver. TheWasp and Hank Pym, who had exchanged his Ant-Man to becomc the First Goliath, returned to the team.

I he Olympian demigpd Herc ules also became ■i member. Scrving as an agent for the Mandarin. the First Swordsman even attempted to join.

The Old Order Changeth

Accidentally created by Hank Pym. the robot Ultron tried to kill the Avengers. He even built the android Vision, who betrayed Inni and served as an Aecnger For many years. Haunted by guilt. Pym s marriage to the Wasp deteriorated and he left the team.

The Avengers Fought alongside the alien Capiain Mar-Vi-.ii. in a cosmic battle that came to be known as the Kree-Skrull War.

The membership continued to change as the Bi ack Widów, the Bfast. the now-reforined Swordsman. Man i is. and Hellc.a i all became members. A romance developcd between the

Vision and the Scarlet Witch and tliey married.

I he National Security Council began to takc an active interest in the team and appointed Henry Peter Gyrich liaison ofFicer. He tried to control team membership by reeruiting Falc.ON and Ms. Marvel (sec Warbird). In recent ycars, Justice. Firestar.Triathlon,    A

Sn vfrclaw,Jac k of Hearts. Ant-Man and a new female Captain Brifain scrvcd as members.

Whon Kang tho Conquoror and his son Marcus waged aU-out war against the Earth. the Avongore ted łho planot's defenswe effort. Ałthough Kang lemporarty succeoded in SUbdUng the ontire worid. the Asengers led a resistanca mosrcmont tlwl ovontuały ovorthrow his rtow dynasty.



•    Avcngers 94 The Avengors roscuo Capt»n Ar from an icy tomb ona mwte Iwn lo join tho team.

•    The Greotost Battles of the Avengers (tpb)

Avengors: The Korvac Saga (tpb) Tl>e G.

Avengers: Undor Siege (tpb)

Ayengers: Disasnembled ThoSCi


A victim oFher own reality-altcring powers, the Scarlet Witch had a nervous brcakdown and brought about the deaths oFJac.k oi Hfarts. Ant-Man and her Former husband theVision. and also caused the destruction oFAvengers Mansion. After she was defeated. her Former teammates were so traumati/ed that tliey disbanded the team. I loweeer. the mass jailbreal of 87 of the most dangerous criminals on Earth convinced Captain America to reform " the Avcngers. Before lc team found themselves battling major threats to global security one morę. TD


1 Ronm (aka Echo) 2Iron Man 3Spdor-Man 4    !.> r •    5'■>    . 6 ; :-r W

Drew} 7Cogc


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