Ute Leader? llnal ntomente in tho physteal wortd ora wńnossos hs asconston to a new piane o< extsfence.
After dropping our ofschool. **“• Samuel Sterns took a nienial job in a US govcrnmcnt rescarch łacilicy, whcre an accidcnt led to his body being bombarded by ,;i intcnsc gamma radiation. In che $ days that followcd, Stcrns . deve^oped an insatiable i hirst lor knowledgc, and as liis inc® expanded at exponemial rajtg too did his cranium.
Unfortunately. Sterns1 incrci^1
imellectua) Lapacity was not matched by emotional maturitY. 1 )isgustó$ gowrpment corruprion. be decided that he should command the humari a race. and restyled Inmselt* as the Leader.
Over the years. the Leader s efTorts to dominate the World havc bcen rcpeatedly foiled by the Hiik and undermined by his own nnpaticncc. The Leader lias battled that green behemoth with robotic hum.moids 3nd evcn pitted Super Villains like the Ruino and the Glob against him. but global domination has rcmained clusive. I Iowcvcr. he has had sonie successcs. in particular the construction ofFrcchold, a utopian city hidden in Canada s icy north.
An increasingly lonely individual, the Leader t anie to believe that only the Hulk truły understood him. 13elieving that his brain was about to ascend tts a Ingher piane, he asked Banner to eonie to him. I >id the Leader tind the enlightenment that he anticipatcd? It may be too soon to say. ad
Samuel Stems OCCUPATION WoukJ-be wortd conqueror BASE
Another dimension
HEIOHT 5 tt 10 in WEIGHT 140 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Black
Tolos to Astonish #62 (Oecember 1964)
■ Suportiunnan intolligence.
' several times that of a genius, with an mcfootl© momory lor facts and rtfermation. Spedafces m creatmg robots. Computer systems. high-tech woopons. Has ócrózoó methods of tetepathic controi.
FIRST APPEARANCE Uncanny X-Men *179 (March 1984)
REAL NAME Unrevealed OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE Yarious
Abandoned by Ins parents when they discovered he was mutant, Leech was found by Caliban, who brought him into a mutant community known as the Morlocks, who lived in the sewers bcncath Manhattan. Leech was happy there—umil Misilk SiNiyiER sent the Mailaudfrs to wipc the Morlocks out. Leech was saved by Power Pack •md X-I:actor.TIic grecn-skinned boy lived with X-Factor as one of tlieir junior team. the X-Terniinators. then associated with Gi \i raiion X and a group of advcnturous ■ hildren known as the Dayorfamers. TB
the rantings oflier
HEIGHT 4 tt 2 in WEIGHT 67 Ibs EYES Yoflow HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Leech can dampen the ^oorhuman powers ot any Super Horoos or Viliain». mutant or not. withtn his proximiły. up to a rango of 30 feet.
Betty Br ant Leeds OCCUPATION
lnvestigative journafet
New York City
was gradually as events drove her from to another.
was Spider-Man Peter very first girlfriend, and when tlieir relationship ended, she married Daily Hugle reporter Ned Leeds. Neds obsession with his work caused constant tension. which he blanied on Spider-Man. She was dismayed to discover that Ned had bccome the evil Hobcoblin, and sufTered a mental breakdown following his dcath. Since then, Betty has rebuilt
lier life. becoming an investigative reporter. It was she who di$covered that Roderick Kingsley was the origin Hobgoblin. Having experienced the worst that life can deal. Betty can now look to the futurę with confidence. A o
HEIOHT 5 ft 7 m WEIGHT 125 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown
Amazing Spider-Man #4 (Soptomóer 1963)
Expert investigalrve reporter wilh a strong personatty and a hugoly generous soul.