Horn 10 .1 wealthy Asian-Amorican fanuly,Jubilee was raised in Bcvcriy Hills and becamc .1 top-class gymnast. After her parem* lost their fortunę and then their liws.Jubilcc was left orphancd and embiitered.
Jubilee ran away. living at the Hollywood Mail, where ber mutant powers became manifest. I Iaving cvaded mail security with the help of various X-Men, Jubilee tbllowed them through a teleportal to their Australian base. JUf
remaining hidden there until u was abandoucd. Siu- ^
left the base with Womiust and they travelled r*
through Asia: lu* tound her direcuicss, sarcasm and honesty refreshing: she camc to regard Wolverine as a sur rogate father. Since returning to the US.Jubilee has been a member of the X-Mcn and Generation- « / .
X. Whtle she still has sonie sharp edges. much of ^.
in humanity has becn restored.
JuMation Loo
X-Corporat>oo amptoyae
Uncanny X-Man *244 (May 1969)
Jubilces faith
Gcooratos and preieets energy giofcutes—Hreworks*—(roni her fingws; Jubtoe is flteo obie to contr ot. cfiroct and roabsort) ihesu
■UH Alter the death ot' her luisband. Sharon Xavter nurried his eolleague. atomu wientistl): Kurt Marko. Dr. Marko often beat lns son ( .1111.
who in turn bullied bis new stepbrother.
Charles Xavier (><« l*ROfFssoR X). whom calllc to hatc. Marko joined tłu- arm\.
' but deserted winie 111 Korea ii. . t..w he camc upon a tempii u t::e ;/od ( sttor.ik.
Bk m
tr • •■■n lu-;; . !u :,.:
Wgf' i.i«sti»ppaKi supeł be me
* c:r.\ bom!" ■ ai-
«. Inni
Years.au: Marko tłu-
Juggernaut. meading Xaviers mansion and trying to kil) him. The Juggernaut had several battles with the X-Mi n often teammg up witlt BiackTom Cassidy. whom hc lud met m prison.
■ h. unie. the juggernaut lost much of his power. madę K peacc with Xavicr. and tell out with W l . svuf\ Marko even joined the
X-Men.and latcr became a member of ■ T the third mcarnation of Ex< AttULK 1^ v
X-Men*l2 (Juty 1965)
Al M povwr. possoseed wtuał •twutrwabiRy. <w!raort*r»ry supnrhuman strongth. and coOd gtrenta ar /npenotraUe tarce r*«1 arou v 1 hmsetf Won* a
Jubilee Juggernaut